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30.11.2023 - 01:40
Last day of season.
Both Paradox and EC are far on the top. Basically equal with seasonal Elo (#1 Paradox 1152.4 , #2 EC 1150.0).
No one dodged, no one calculated whole season.

I am inviting you in a friendly way to make it fun and man thing - Let's do best of 5 tomorrow (or Friday) to decide #1 and #2.

I hope you will accept and not (for gods sake) choose an option who will farm more currently less skilled clans or who will stay awake longer to cover elo. Write me your decision in comments. Ty

30.11.2023 - 07:49
The one with the most elo is what decides first place
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
30.11.2023 - 11:15
Napísal Augustus Caesar, 30.11.2023 at 07:49

The one with the most elo is what decides first place

No one stops us to decide #1 place by best of 5 between our clans, since Paradox and EC are the ones holding top 2 spots, independently of automatism. It can be changed after bo5 if we agree on it instead of pointless farm of other clans

30.11.2023 - 11:54
Napísal Augustus Caesar, 30.11.2023 at 07:49

The one with the most elo is what decides first place

We currently have almost equal elo, whoever wins 3 of 5 games will have more elo

30.11.2023 - 13:51
Napísal Croat, 30.11.2023 at 11:15

It's a no from me, also have some respect for the other clans and players.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
30.11.2023 - 15:13
Napísal Augustus Caesar, 30.11.2023 at 13:51

It's a no from me, also have some respect for the other clans and players.

Trying to make me look disrespectful (with 0 intensions to disrespect anyone) while you are closing your eyes, avoiding a proper fight for first place and go farm one of those to catch enough elo #1.

Nicely packed 'respect' and 'sportsmanship'

30.11.2023 - 15:20
Napísal Croat, 30.11.2023 at 15:13

You're saying "farm" and "less-skilled" there's no trying to make you look anything, you do it yourself. Make up whatever you want, it's clear you only randomly made this post to cause some sort of drama... grow up honestly.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
30.11.2023 - 16:17
Napísal Augustus Caesar, 30.11.2023 at 15:20

You're saying "farm" and "less-skilled" there's no trying to make you look anything, you do it yourself. Make up whatever you want, it's clear you only randomly made this post to cause some sort of drama... grow up honestly.

You are paranoid which makes you oppress me by default with some bullshit, making problem out of nowhere. Your problem, honestly.

Thing is bloody simple, you can either fairly do best of 5 to decide first place or you gonna hide around and grab elo on some less competitive clan

30.11.2023 - 16:25
Napísal Croat, 30.11.2023 at 16:17

You're not oppressed and it's clearly your problem if you're here crying about it in the forum. I don't care about your weird demands, you don't come from a position of power and your snarky attitude towards other clans and their players is pathetic. This is the last response I'll give to this bizarre attention seeking thread.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
30.11.2023 - 16:29
Napísal Augustus Caesar, 30.11.2023 at 16:25

You're not oppressed and it's clearly your problem if you're here crying about it in the forum. I don't care about your weird demands, you don't come from a position of power and your snarky attitude towards other clans and their players is pathetic. This is the last response I'll give to this bizarre attention seeking thread.

You're just proving what I've said. Put in a centrifuge your paranoid brain and wash it already

30.11.2023 - 17:15
Well, I will add my two cents to this discussion; stating that one clan is less skilled than another, it is not disparaging, but an actual truth. In every field of life, there will be less skilled and more skilled people, there is nothing you can do about it, may it be for the time spent doing something or for a gift. Second thing I would like to go through is Black wasps' attitude which I am failing to comprehend, he's trying to hide his real intentions which would be farming less skilled clans in the name of "my coalition can fight anyone and I have no right to do this" which I think is less honorable than actually fighting the "equal" enemy, by making this public challenge appear as if Croat was disrespecting other players, when in fact it is just the most logic thing to do if the top two are far from the rest.

Anyways I do not think that Black wasps' word is to take for granted, other leaders might accept, and I am looking forward to these best of 5 between EC and Paradox.

Little tip; do not try to be edgy or seek dirty where there is none, ya'll just make fools out of yourselves at your own expenses.
30.11.2023 - 17:33
Zero respect for the other clans eh croat
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
30.11.2023 - 18:24
Napísal SHEIKH, 30.11.2023 at 17:15

Well, I will add my two cents to this discussion; stating that one clan is less skilled than another, it is not disparaging, but an actual truth. In every field of life, there will be less skilled and more skilled people, there is nothing you can do about it, may it be for the time spent doing something or for a gift. Second thing I would like to go through is Black wasps' attitude which I am failing to comprehend, he's trying to hide his real intentions which would be farming less skilled clans in the name of "my coalition can fight anyone and I have no right to do this" which I think is less honorable than actually fighting the "equal" enemy, by making this public challenge appear as if Croat was disrespecting other players, when in fact it is just the most logic thing to do if the top two are far from the rest.

Anyways I do not think that Black wasps' word is to take for granted, other leaders might accept, and I am looking forward to these best of 5 between EC and Paradox.

Little tip; do not try to be edgy or seek dirty where there is none, ya'll just make fools out of yourselves at your own expenses.

This is example of rational and objective flow of thoughts which are not stained with automatic paranoid outbursts. Don't mind Trystane too much, he is still dealing with his inner fights which result in making issues where they don't exist. Old open wounds...

I'll just mark out the fact that these words above are coming up from a guy who went into cws recently, who might be less skilled at the moment or take bottom spots on the leaderboard; but also who took this season as 'testing' one to build up some experience in CWs with his teammates. It explains everything by itself.

Don't make that guy fool you; be sure that you and your clan have all possible respect from me. And it's nice to see you guys being around on cw scene

30.11.2023 - 18:25
Yes, there are less skilled clans, first is my current clan.. We are less skilled than ec or paradox but still we beat both clans and got 20elo from each
01.12.2023 - 00:59
Napísal SHEIKH, 30.11.2023 at 17:15

This is the most crackhead response yet, you think there's some kind of ulterior motive behind me thinking it's just plain disrespectful to go around calling others less-skillful or farms? You and Croat can sit here thinking up all these wonderful ideas but the reality is I think its distasteful to be looking down on other clans just because one might take cws more serious than the other.. you guys throw around all these fanciful ideas and "paranoia" as croat says but you'd find your answers if you actually read what I said, there's nothing cryptic about it. Respect others and you'll receive respect back.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
01.12.2023 - 08:20
Napísal Augustus Caesar, 01.12.2023 at 00:59

but the reality is I think its distasteful to be looking down on other clans just because one might take cws more serious than the other.. you guys throw around all these fanciful ideas and "paranoia" as croat says but you'd find your answers if you actually read what I said, there's nothing cryptic about it. Respect others and you'll receive respect back.

Ok Confucius, I think there is enough people claiming opposite than you, mostly those who I reffered to by saying 'farm' or 'less skilled'.

We can summarize all your 'respect' and sportsmanship here; next time prepare better for your presentation of paranoia and wrapping shit into something else:

(I won't generalize your whole clan into Dominicano's subjective sentences, but first one is disasteful and desparate if it's true...)

Also, b2 is trolling you, it's false erection you got

01.12.2023 - 09:44
Napísal Croat, 01.12.2023 at 08:20

Not going to read any of that, start drama with somebody else.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna

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