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What will be the debut film of our movie night?

#Alive (2020)
Dunkirk (2017)
Spirited Away (2001)
Kung Fu Hustle (2004)
Alien (1979)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Celkovo hlasov: 58
01.11.2020 - 17:22
We have six options for our next AW Movie Night on saturday 08:00 PM CET (07/11), which #Alive was kept on the poll for being the second most voted movie on the last poll!

AtWar Official Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/PjarNFu

Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Empire, and France are surrounded by the German Army and evacuated during a fierce battle in World War II.

The rapid spread of an unknown infection has left an entire city in ungovernable chaos, but one survivor remains alive in isolation. It is his story.

Spirited Away
A wondrous fantasy about a young girl named Chihiro who discovers a secret world of strange spirits, creatures and sorcery.

Kung Fu Hustle
In Shanghai, China in the 1940s, a wannabe gangster aspires to join the notorious "Axe Gang" while residents of a housing complex exhibit extraordinary powers in defending their turf.

After a space merchant vessel receives an unknown transmission as a distress call, one of the crew is attacked by a mysterious life form and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun.

Mad Max: Fury Road
In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a woman rebels against a tyrannical ruler in search for her homeland with the aid of a group of female prisoners, a psychotic worshiper, and a drifter named Max.
02.11.2020 - 05:56
*Sees Dunkirk it's winning*
*Goest to check if it's a british movie*
*It is*
Well I'm definetly NOT watching british propaganda about the battle of Dunkirk.
02.11.2020 - 05:59
Napísal Agel, 02.11.2020 at 05:56

*Sees Dunkirk it's winning*
*Goest to check if it's a british movie*
*It is*
Well I'm definetly NOT watching british propaganda about the battle of Dunkirk.

Nah it's pretty spot on
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
02.11.2020 - 07:47
Napísal Augustus Caesar, 02.11.2020 at 05:59

Nah it's pretty spot on

I mean. I dislike the portrayal of Dunkirk as a great succes for the UK so common on the west when it was just british soilders fleeing for their lives at the expense of the french army which was holding the line.
02.11.2020 - 11:58
Napísal Agel, 02.11.2020 at 07:47

Napísal Augustus Caesar, 02.11.2020 at 05:59

Nah it's pretty spot on

I mean. I dislike the portrayal of Dunkirk as a great succes for the UK so common on the west when it was just british soilders fleeing for their lives at the expense of the french army which was holding the line.

It was a logistical feat to pull those troops out of there, and you know they also rescued many French soldiers who were holding the line there...?
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
02.11.2020 - 12:44
Napísal Augustus Caesar, 02.11.2020 at 11:58

It was a logistical feat to pull those troops out of there, and you know they also rescued many French soldiers who were holding the line there...?

You know that the best half of the french army was lost during that encirclement?
I know the evacuation of 400k people was a hugec logistical undertaking. But that's still much lesss than the +1.5M of soilders trapped in the pocket and the fact that Paris was falling during that time.
What I don't like is how western narrative puts that as a great victory when it was just trying to mitigate the disaster that was the Battle of France.
(This is pure guesses on my side based on logic) But the propaganda in the UK needed something to keep the morale and that was the only they had something simmilar to a succes was dunkirk so they glorified it and the myth continued after the war ended.
Take this with a grain of salt as I generaly dislike the west and specialy the western empires (Spain, UK, France, USA). And to add more being myself from Spain I'm passively fed anti-british and anti-french propaganda.
02.11.2020 - 13:17
Napísal Agel, 02.11.2020 at 12:44

Oh right so we were suppose to just leave our army there to die? the Battle of France was over and the battle of Britain was just beginning, considering their plan was originally to save 30k of their own army I would say it was a pretty impressive logistical feat to evacuate 400k+ and considering a lot of it was made possible but civilian vassals it's even more crazy. This film wasn't made to show how glorious things were like Fury or any other american ww2 movie... it was to give insight into one of the worst military blunders in history, you're just small minded in the sense that anything "western" you approach with negativity instead of opening your eyes.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
02.11.2020 - 13:45
Napísal Augustus Caesar, 02.11.2020 at 13:17

Oh right so we were suppose to just leave our army there to die? the Battle of France was over and the battle of Britain was just beginning, considering their plan was originally to save 30k of their own army I would say it was a pretty impressive logistical feat to evacuate 400k+ and considering a lot of it was made possible but civilian vassals it's even more crazy. This film wasn't made to show how glorious things were like Fury or any other american ww2 movie... it was to give insight into one of the worst military blunders in history, you're just small minded in the sense that anything "western" you approach with negativity instead of opening your eyes.

Let me answer your post part by part.
"Oh right so we were suppose to just leave our army there to die?" I never said that. It was a good idea.
"the Battle of France was over and the battle of Britain was just beginning," The battle of england was all about mantaining Air superiority if germany could cross the channel UK didn't had an army to resist anyways.
"considering their plan was originally to save 30k of their own army I would say it was a pretty impressive logistical feat to evacuate 400k+ and considering a lot of it was made possible but civilian vassals it's even more crazy." I Agree
"This film wasn't made to show how glorious things were like Fury or any other american ww2 movie... it was to give insight into one of the worst military blunders in history," I prefere to read about that or whatch a documentary instead of watching a movie who is goning to insert dramatisim for entretainment's sake. I prefere reading over whatching and i prefere to have the bare minimun of extra dramatism.
"you're just small minded in the sense that anything "western" you approach with negativity instead of opening your eyes." I would word it different but I agree.
And we probably won't agree even if we continue this but hey i'm having fun so fell free to continue if you having fun too.
02.11.2020 - 22:07
I kinda agree with Agel, but I also read this interesting article: https://www.france24.com/en/20170725-cinema-nolan-dunkirk-operation-dynamo-france-britain-world-war-nazi-germany

In one of the opening scenes of "Dunkirk", a fleeing British soldier, terrified and haggard, is allowed to scramble over a barricade manned by French soldiers. It is the last line of defence before the beaches of Dunkirk, where hundreds of thousands of troops have amassed, penned in by the German advance. As he files past the Frenchmen, the battered young Briton can barely withstand their glare. No words are exchanged, save a sardonic "Bon voyage l'Anglais". The Brits are pulling out, leaving their allies to face certain defeat - alone.
02.11.2020 - 22:26
Napísal Agel, 02.11.2020 at 13:45

"the Battle of France was over and the battle of Britain was just beginning," The battle of england was all about mantaining Air superiority if germany could cross the channel UK didn't had an army to resist anyways.

That's not true. Yes, getting to Britain was an impossible task in itself. But the British in 1940 started their own creation of an "Atlantic Wall" like Hitler.

First, extensive fortifications were created, with the training and arming of over 1 million British citizens on the coast called the, "Home Guard". Although it started with the lack of supplies, by 1941 this militia was fully equipped with over a years training. This militia would have fought side by side with the 2 million+ man strong Royal Army. Yes, a lot of these troops were stationed over seas. But if the Royal Navy or RAF was ever defeated decisively, you know they would be heading back to Britain. From what I can tell, there were 1+ million active servicemen In England in 1940.

The "Costal Crust" defense line consisted of over 700 costal batteries, with many of them armed with 6 in (152) mm guns. At a few critical points, 14 in (356 mm) guns were constructed. Behind these lines was an anti tank line that stretched the entire southern coast of England. Beaches were blocked with mines and barbed wire. Piers and docks that were not used for military use and were in danger of being exploited were disassembled. The "obstacle Z.1" was put in at critical beach points. This was a blockade put in low water so landing vehicles couldn't land on the shore. Many pillboxes, roadblocks, and anti tank obstacles were constructed.

Don't get me wrong though, If the Royal Navy and RAF were ever defeated, Operation Sealion might have been successful. But given the lack of landing equipment, supplies, and stretched supply lines, I find it highly unlikely. It was only because of the immense resources of the U.S.A that made the logistics for D-Day possible (Don't forget about the Canadians at Juno RIP). Britain could not have pulled off D-Day alone. Likewise, Germany on its lonesome could not have invaded Britain, even if the Royal Navy and RAF were defeated.
02.11.2020 - 22:44
Napísal Agel, 02.11.2020 at 07:47

Napísal Augustus Caesar, 02.11.2020 at 05:59

Nah it's pretty spot on

I mean. I dislike the portrayal of Dunkirk as a great succes for the UK so common on the west when it was just british soilders fleeing for their lives at the expense of the french army which was holding the line.

As for this. No, the British retreating back to England might have not been the right thing to do. They abandoned their now defenseless ally to fight the growing enemy. However, it was the smart thing to do, and what ultimately lead to the liberation of France.
02.11.2020 - 23:49
Napísal nutt, 02.11.2020 at 22:26

Napísal Agel, 02.11.2020 at 13:45

"the Battle of France was over and the battle of Britain was just beginning," The battle of england was all about mantaining Air superiority if germany could cross the channel UK didn't had an army to resist anyways.

That's not true. Yes, getting to Britain was an impossible task in itself. But the British in 1940 started their own creation of an "Atlantic Wall" like Hitler.

First, extensive fortifications were created, with the training and arming of over 1 million British citizens on the coast called the, "Home Guard". Although it started with the lack of supplies, by 1941 this militia was fully equipped with over a years training. This militia would have fought side by side with the 2 million+ man strong Royal Army. Yes, a lot of these troops were stationed over seas. But if the Royal Navy or RAF was ever defeated decisively, you know they would be heading back to Britain. From what I can tell, there were 1+ million active servicemen In England in 1940.

The "Costal Crust" defense line consisted of over 700 costal batteries, with many of them armed with 6 in (152) mm guns. At a few critical points, 14 in (356 mm) guns were constructed. Behind these lines was an anti tank line that stretched the entire southern coast of England. Beaches were blocked with mines and barbed wire. Piers and docks that were not used for military use and were in danger of being exploited were disassembled. The "obstacle Z.1" was put in at critical beach points. This was a blockade put in low water so landing vehicles couldn't land on the shore. Many pillboxes, roadblocks, and anti tank obstacles were constructed.

Don't get me wrong though, If the Royal Navy and RAF were ever defeated, Operation Sealion might have been successful. But given the lack of landing equipment, supplies, and stretched supply lines, I find it highly unlikely. It was only because of the immense resources of the U.S.A that made the logistics for D-Day possible (Don't forget about the Canadians at Juno RIP). Britain could not have pulled off D-Day alone. Likewise, Germany on its lonesome could not have invaded Britain, even if the Royal Navy and RAF were defeated.

germany could have sent some paratroopers over and captured a couple cities. This could actually have worked. but they would need to have developed some kind of stealth paratrooper
Happiness = reality - expectations
04.11.2020 - 11:27

"the Battle of France was over and the battle of Britain was just beginning," The battle of england was all about mantaining Air superiority if germany could cross the channel UK didn't had an army to resist anyways.

"The battle of england was all about mantaining Air superiority if germany could cross the channel UK didn't had an army to resist anyways". the navy stoped them from crossing the channel not the air force... germany had air superiority for a long time and thats why they did so many endless bombing runs on england which would later cost them alot of planes lil by lil.
04.11.2020 - 16:05
Ew Dunkirk
nice Chris Nolan film, but boring asf and its about the bad guy of ww2 making an escape
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
05.11.2020 - 01:01
 Witch-Doctor (Moderátor)
Napísal b2spirit, 04.11.2020 at 16:05

Ew Dunkirk
nice Chris Nolan film, but boring asf and its about the bad guy of ww2 making an escape

Are you some kind of bot.
05.11.2020 - 01:09
Napísal Witch-Doctor, 05.11.2020 at 01:01

Napísal b2spirit, 04.11.2020 at 16:05

Ew Dunkirk
nice Chris Nolan film, but boring asf and its about the bad guy of ww2 making an escape

Are you some kind of bot.

they should've banned u instead of unleashed
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
05.11.2020 - 01:24
 Witch-Doctor (Moderátor)
Napísal b2spirit, 05.11.2020 at 01:09

Napísal Witch-Doctor, 05.11.2020 at 01:01

Napísal b2spirit, 04.11.2020 at 16:05

Ew Dunkirk
nice Chris Nolan film, but boring asf and its about the bad guy of ww2 making an escape

Are you some kind of bot.

they should've banned u instead of unleashed

I doubt you were even around during the days of unleashed.
05.11.2020 - 08:46
 Sascha (Moderátor)
Add gladiator to the movie list for the next one

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
05.11.2020 - 11:53
Napísal Sascha, 05.11.2020 at 08:46

Add gladiator to the movie list for the next one

u wanna see some of that incest , u dirty dirty mofo
05.11.2020 - 21:48
We need to have access to recommendations next time it looks like my down syndrome aunt picked these (except for Mad Max that's good)
Happiness = reality - expectations
06.11.2020 - 07:07
Napísal Tribune Aquila, 05.11.2020 at 21:48

We need to have access to recommendations

In order to choose the movie y'all gotta show up to watch too.

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