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17.01.2017 - 13:03
I want to create my own map with real stats based in economy, military etc. I have a ton of information and i want to apply all this to a modern version of "NEW VERSION WORLD 50K" (my favorite map) but i'm so confused about a lot of circunstances that i'm seeing around the forum

1st) Can we create maps or not? I watched a lot of users saying that editor doesnt work... but to me looks like i can create maps without problems... maybe we can create but not play the maps that we create?

2nd) I load my own map at the editor but looks like we need to create borders between countries INSIDE the editor... is this right?

3rd) Like i said before "NEW VERSION WORLD 50K" is my favorite map and we can play a version with 2 teams (USA alliance vs Russia&China alliance) where we have cities with more than 1k earnings per turn... however i cant put more than 3 digits in my own version... why? how i can change that for put more earings?

4th) Where i can put extra (bonus) earnings? this earnings is not for cities!
17.01.2017 - 14:32
1) You can create maps without problem if you use browsers that support Silverlight. (Firefox, but I suggest you to download the atWar browser application.) We can play it, but after a while, because for some reason the map needs to be something like ''processed'' before you can play it. This might take less than a day, but maybe a few days if you're unlucky.

2) I don't know what you mean. Obviously you need to create countries/borders in the editor? I don't know what you mean with ''create borders between countries''. If you use the standard map, then it's a bit difficult because of the already existing borders. With some decent knowledge, you can fix that. I suggest you to start creating your own maps from 0 before you start editing stuff.

3) Maybe that's simply not possible. You should create or put more earnings in CITIES so it automatically produces more money for the country you're in.

4) For the player's main country, put a city on like greenland, and block the whole island off so nobody can take or leave the cities, yet you can put ''bonus'' income there, like 999 income?

Ex-commander of Renegades and Ecclesia, ex-Archon of Imperial Union
18.01.2017 - 11:09
2) What I mean is that I thought I could load a map with the borders between countries already made ... you know, search a map in Google, you load it in the editor and you dont have to be designing each border of each country in the world. Instead, it seems that you have to load the map and edit all borders with the option given by the editor
http://www.subirimagenes.com/otros-borders-9673814.html (2nd and 3rd buttons)
2B) BTW if you dont draw borders... editor understand that like this space = sea?

3) http://www.subirimagenes.com/otros-ny-9673806.html Since 1st turn you have cities in this map like NY or many others that gives you more than 1k per turn... Unless administrators have disabled it, the option should be somewhere

4) Full country bonus is what i want... When you have a full country with all his cities (and military bases if the country has) you receive a bonus... that's the bonus what i'm talking about. How i can put it? I dont think that i need hide cities because if i conquer a rival country i dont need conquer too a city that i dont see
http://www.subirimagenes.com/otros-bonus-9673786.html this is what i want
11.05.2017 - 12:47
Napísal NaiRDa, 18.01.2017 at 11:09

2) What I mean is that I thought I could load a map with the borders between countries already made ... you know, search a map in Google, you load it in the editor and you dont have to be designing each border of each country in the world. Instead, it seems that you have to load the map and edit all borders with the option given by the editor
http://www.subirimagenes.com/otros-borders-9673814.html (2nd and 3rd buttons)
2B) BTW if you dont draw borders... editor understand that like this space = sea?

3) http://www.subirimagenes.com/otros-ny-9673806.html Since 1st turn you have cities in this map like NY or many others that gives you more than 1k per turn... Unless administrators have disabled it, the option should be somewhere

4) Full country bonus is what i want... When you have a full country with all his cities (and military bases if the country has) you receive a bonus... that's the bonus what i'm talking about. How i can put it? I dont think that i need hide cities because if i conquer a rival country i dont need conquer too a city that i dont see
http://www.subirimagenes.com/otros-bonus-9673786.html this is what i want

By default the entire map is an ocean. When you draw a country it becomes a land mass. So if you took a map from Google maps and uploaded it, it will be considered a giant ocean. You must draw your own borders so the editor recognising it as land mass.

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