Napísal Abraham, 29.10.2015 at 14:27
No it shouldn't be.
These custom maps, and scenarios were created by the mods and admins or by regular players? I'm pretty sure you know the answer. It doesn't matter how often these maps and scenarios are being played, the admins don't have a permission to take over the hard work of regular user in order to utilize it for their benefit, without consideration of the creator decisions. I'm pretty sure it will lower the level of motivation of the players to continue to make more maps, and content for the game.
Unless the admins add this to the TOS, and apply it on future content, then there is no legitimacy in taking over someone else's creation.
01.11.2015 - 11:21
Perfect analogy of what is going on here and what are acceptable business practices. Person buys photoshop. Photoshop makes money of purchase. Now the customer makes some nice art and posts it on a public forum. Now photoshop takes that work down. Photoshop then takes the work and sells it on amazon. That's what is going on here. In a logical world we buy a product and use it as seen fit to produce what we looking for. We bought the map editing tools and for whatever reason we did so you have no right to say who it belongs to. If the admins decide to take the rights away give our money back, you can't change terms of service without consent and keep our money and intellectual property. The shit is illegal in Somalia one of the most backward places on earth. Solution one: Take over all content produced on atwar, but allow us to get our money back because that not what we payed for. Or let us delete our content before the tos change. Solution two: Respect our rights as artists and give us the resources help and support we despritly need to combat these vandals that would shit on our hard work. In no logical world can you charge for a product and sell it. Then change the rights of the customer to profit off of what they created. This is ludicrous. The current path will see law suits the death of map making and possibly an end to the entire game. This is not a path you wish to choose. Please be rational in your decision making process and act like adults. If your a child get off forums.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 11:29
zzzzzz You are playing an online browser based game. Why would any of the advanced features of the game be free. Generically speaking in most online games the most general features of the games are left free. Once the game is liked by players they have to pay to use advanced features. Map making is one of the advanced features of this game. You are paying for it since you want to make maps. What this game got wrong is to allow the map makers to have a say in it. It allowed people to make very popular maps and then troll with the community. In my opinion all maps and scenarios should be public and should belong to the community. All maps/scenarios I make now or in future will belong to this community and public by default. This is my opinion. You don't have to agree with it. Also your not able to fill your maps or scenarios is a completely different problem.
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01.11.2015 - 11:33
Why don't you stop picking zatara and ignoring me your fucking wrong and iv proven in 3 times now. We bought map editor to produce art, not for some fat 14 year old who has to go to dinner so fuck my map and fuck my work and fuck me. Fucking bullshit practices. Tell me I'm wrong in a logical and cohesive way I dare you. I dare amok to do the same but when he does it I'll get my fucking lawyers to tell he's wrong, them I'll get the government this game falls under to tell him he's wrong. Then I'll watch this game burn from selfishness like this. You people are nuts.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 11:37
Are you trying to attract more players or get a piece of the pie? Nothing is lost by the content being on the game, we voluntarily produced it. Leavers and trolls are sadly a part of any gaming community, to confuse their actions with accusations of taking away your 'rights' towards admins is dumb as fuck. Your right is to play the game and use the tools. THAT is what you have bought and neither have been removed. 1. You haven't bought the tools, you bought the right to use the tools, so yes they do have a right to say who the tools belongs to and to change the T+Cs of the tool use. 2. they don't pay you to produce, you voluntarily produce, and you can already voluntarily remove your produce (its called delete) for no fee. ''The current path will see law suits the death of map making and possibly an end to the entire game.'' - like i said do you want more players? or do you want financial rewards? - nothing is lost to you as a 'consumer' you still have what you paid for = use of the tool. So your talk of lawsuits is far fetched as fuck.
01.11.2015 - 11:38
I still doubt it's 50, but I'll take your numbers anyway. Even if each mod takes 10 that's done in 10 minutes, but I see what you mean. The instant ban thing isn't good though, I still think it needs to pass somewhere. My first thought of who to handle this is distinguished map-makers but they are the one banning in the first place... Pulse's idea seems best now, and perhaps combine this idea with mine since Tunder complained about manual bans, and here you implement my idea if someone goes as far as to join and move 1 troop per turn. I don't like the idea of map-makers can be theoretically stripped their maps away (even though it would never happen) because that's just discouraging, but at the same time I think at a certain point a map become's the communities. Perhaps for maps like these, admins could buy them (not for a lot) with investments from the players and even other map-makers themselves. The only difference once the map is bought is that players need permission to hide maps for editing and they can't be deleted unless serious screw ups.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
01.11.2015 - 11:43
No lawyer would argue that you own the map maker, no lawyer would argue that you have lost anything, anyways regardless, your lawyer wouldn't be able to get you a refund anyway (since I bought you the pack = proof of purchase) gg case solved. ![]()
01.11.2015 - 11:44
None of this was stated in the original terms of service it's invalid satire and lies. Right now go look at the premium purchase page it states what we are buying very clearly and it's not the right to make free content for amok. I'd of never bought anything for that. Everything is lost because my work is now left in the hands of the worst team of Moderators iv ever seen, not because they are bad people because they are fucking lazy and don't do there jobs correctly 100% of the time. Unless they can Gurentee my maps protection I do not consent to giving them the rights to govern it. And if I do happen to finally consent I want some sort of value Givin to all of my comrades for there hard work. If none of this happen let me delete my old maps before the tos and I'll leave the game, give the same rights to all the other map makers aswell. Then watch this game burn to the ground as all the precious noobs leave from lack of popular content.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 11:48
Dude first off chill. I am only presenting my point of view. You don't have to agree to it. Also your analogy of photoshop is wrong. Photoshop is tool. Map making in atwar even though a tool is more just a part of this game designed to enhance our game experience. While you can pour ours into it , the result of endeavor should go to the community. This is my opinion. Your right about the terms of service though. This game can't change the terms of service it only produced and it has to abide by it. So if they decide to change the terms of service it should be done new and shouldn't effect the existing maps/scenarios but only the news once created since that day the new terms of service were put in picture. I was only suggesting that they put wrong clauses for the terms of service. You are entitled to your opinion though.
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01.11.2015 - 11:48
Not all map makers published their maps with the intention of voluntarily losing the ownership of their creation. This creates a conflict of interests: -Map makers want to keep the ability to hide their maps. -Mods want to take away the ability to hide their maps. -If map makers get what they want, maps will be published 99% of the time. -If mods get what they want, maps will be published 100% of the time, but the map makers will leave and no more quality content will be made. do you really think that 1% is worth it? killing the map makers for that insignificant 1%? you may argue that new map makers will come and start making quality content again but that is just not true: take a look at this topic, who do you think is the cartographer clan? ![]() then take a look at the former members of the 2nd cartographer clan: and now take a look at the members and former members of the 3rd reich: its the same people (the rest are inactive) no new content creators are coming, and if they do they are going to go with tik-tok and aetius and share their same way of thinking.
01.11.2015 - 11:50
Hell the only 'original terms of service' was that you have bought the right to use the tool to create maps. When I bought the map pack for you, there were no terms apart from that. When you voluntarily provide your content you are giving up any (non existent) rights to it because you have done so voluntarily.
01.11.2015 - 11:54
Actually the original terms of service states nothing about map making. The only proof I have or need is what it says you are purchasing with premium. Aswell I had to rebuy that package cause soon after they only sold full premium not packages. I bought a map making tool not the right to a tool it says so when purchasing. It says diferently in the illegal new terms of service that where created in secret in march.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 11:57
Most of the users who have premium, bought it before the admins added this TOS. Since the admins added this TOS without notyfing anyone of us, we can't be sure when they have added it, maybe after they saw this thread? Or after the map strike nonsense. For this reason there should be sent a PM when buying premium with the TOS quote. And PM whenever there is a change in the TOS. In case a player decided to skip the PM, the user will get a pop up window with TOS quote regarding map making when he enter map editor, that his creation isn't his after he finish with it. Afterwards let's see how many people are going to create maps for this game. People who say "they can cause players leave if they decide to delete it", and "this enhance our game experience". Yes it does, thanks to these map makers it enrich your playing options, therefore these map makers should receive respect, and given full power over their map so they can continue with their to contribution to the game, that you can't be compared to. If a person decides to quit he don't have to delete his map if he wan't to ruin it for others, he can easily open the edit option and mess it up. No way the admins can fix it. Unless he received a respect and consideration from the admins, then such cases will be on low scale if at all.
01.11.2015 - 11:59
I had to rebuy it because I had to buy full premium as the feature no longer exsisted to buy packages. Aswell as I was 16 at the time broke in an impoverish enviornment. I'm 19 now I own several automobile factories and a lawyer team made OJ Simpson not guilty money wins wars. Edit: I don't want a refund I want my rights but if I can't get them I want refunds for all my map making brothers. Or I want us to have the right to leave the game with our content from before the tos change. That way there is no confusion who owns what anymore.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 12:01
Work out why you make maps, then we can talk. Anyone making maps for anything other than improving the gaming experience for the majority can go, really I wouldn't shed a tear.
01.11.2015 - 12:02
You already have the choice.
01.11.2015 - 12:03
And we will go, with our content we won't leave it to the filth.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 12:05
By God your right a loophole. Thanks hdrakon I'm content now keep my maps I'll just make a few alterations.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 12:07
Because ruining the experience for the people that allow you to have a strong voice in the first place is completely a logical move ![]() ![]()
01.11.2015 - 12:10
Also since we are on topic, anyone has a link to those terms of service.
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01.11.2015 - 12:13
Fire with fire,not my content not my problem. They want to take everything with me and I should just take it? When helly was a younger man my ambition was to make content for the people. But just like in real life my dreams where distorted and corrupted by the reality of life. Bad people ruined this game for me I no longer care for them I no longer feel anything fir them but resentment and that is a common consensus with many map makers. We are giving up because you left us to the wolves. My last breath will be my content sinking with me plain and simple. They shoukd of protected us from the troll the madness the humiliation. But we where instead attacked by mods for defending our work. So yah I'm a selfish prick now I can live with that. Sorry it has to be this way. I really did see something special here and it still can be. But to this day because of outlooks like yours and clovis's we are still making all the wrong decisions. Which will further our slow and grueling death.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 12:13
Try and find it yourself it half the fun.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 12:16
I think stepping away from this game will be good for you.
01.11.2015 - 12:17
It very much would be, but with what I gave on my back pocket not in brains or pulse's
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 12:25
Was the terms of conditions changed recently ? This is an extract from it pertaining to our topic. 4. Custom Maps ownership Custom Maps and Scenarios and all associated media are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of atWar. Without limiting the foregoing, you hereby assign to atWar all of your rights, title and interest in and to all Custom Maps, and agree that should atWar decide that it is necessary, you agree to execute future assignments promptly upon receiving such a request from atWar. Additionally, atWar shall have the right to keep the Custom Maps online even if their creator requests removal. In case of blocking users from playing your map, you agree to provide solid reasons for the block upon request. If it wasn't changed recently it clears off all the misinformation about it and makes it clear who the maps really belong to.
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01.11.2015 - 12:37
Was changed early this year to say that. Edit: LOL they changed it again very recently that part about keeping it online is even news to me. They are just changing it left and right with no consent woq.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 12:44
This is the peaceful silence of the opposition be rekt. I can do this all day because I know in my heart what I'm fighting for is right. I will defend my people and defend the sanity of rational thought till the day I die.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
Lord Zlatan Ibra Účet zmazaný |
01.11.2015 - 12:45 Lord Zlatan Ibra Účet zmazaný
Map makers made the map and they should control what happens to their map and who can clone it. Period.
01.11.2015 - 12:53
Everything after half the 4th page have no meaning. I would reply, but I would'be repeating my own words. I feel that you guys are arguing just for the sake of it.
01.11.2015 - 12:55
Basically any opinion you have ever had has been counter productive to this communities survival so this is very much a blessing to all of is that your gonna keep your mouth shut this time thank you.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
01.11.2015 - 13:01
hellraiser replied to your "solution" and he pointed how stupid your idea was, if you want to ignore the fact that your argument is weak and you lost then that is up to you. ![]()
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