Since im not sure if you can make minimized maps in this game,i thought of a replacive idea:
if you can,you should let us make cities/rienforcement areas of our own and change borders in scenarios,so they'll be able to focus on smaller scaled wars in the game,like the normandy invasion,the vietnam war or something like that,and disable some particular countries for good when a particular event occurs (unless their occupied)
im not sure if anyone made a topic like this CUZ IM NEO so just state your opinion
I'm not sure if this would fit into border changing or not, actually, at second glance.
But this is direct from what not to post:
"Custom or Changing County Borders on maps - It would be really cool if there was a map of world war 2, harry potter, etc....
Sorry, this takes too much time to implement, so probably not going to happen anytime soon. However, we may add different groupings of countries in the current maps. http://afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=204&board_page=5. Also, there are scenarios, where you can rename countries, etc but not edit their borders"
So I don't think they'll do this.
Not a bad idea, though ^_^
Read the FAQ before you post any suggestions please. They are all great ideas, but they won't happen.
All pragmatically impossible. Thread lock is imminent.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved