11.12.2019 - 05:05
Any ideas ? I know the topic has probably been evocated many times, i just want to give it a better form. For example the SP multipler isn't well known at all
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11.12.2019 - 05:22
SP that comes with trophies, as well as protocoins to spend on the clan. But that would take dev to get more crap to do with PC. Could also have a thing where a portion of either SP or PC can be put towards a few matches of x3 SP (or x4 if dave wants to add the option) make more maps CW-able. More clan options that tie into CWs.. I'm sure there's more a lot more that will be tacked on
11.12.2019 - 05:31
Give 5 days 20% SP boost in selected scenarios to clans who played 20 CWs. It will be in everyone's interest to explore the dark side of the game. But it also has to come with elo reform. Right now it's just too unfair for the rest of competetive clans if a strong clan finds cw against weak clans with 1000 elo. Perhaps the seasonal elo amount that clan can gain by winning other clan should not depend merely on two clans's seasonal elo but also on the clan general elo or SP.
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11.12.2019 - 18:38
Real cw players doesn't care about sp. Elo system we have from 2010 is still the best one we can have for free. In case aw got sponsor and there be some rewards, then owner can start thinking about update. Till that any change can cause more damage than good. Also... Stop saying that this kind of elo rating is unfair, when it isnt. Play smarter, use tactic, temp form in part of season when it is needed. Maybe then u take second place, just behind MK. D
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11.12.2019 - 19:59
I've long thought about making a sanctioned league with official livestreams, brackets, etc. I even met up with a guy who could make us really nice ornate glass trophies and the likes to be shipped out to the winners and all that. This was back before I got hardcore into competitive this year however, and after having played pretty consistently since August 2018, I don't see how this could work with all the lying, cheating, crying, and nefarious tactics utilized by many community members to get their magic points win. We would really need to collectively look into the mirror as a community first for sure. I think certain issues that the community is divisive on- like serbwalling, submarine bridging, etc- would need to be debated in a better fashion than "They make me mad" when standardizing etiquette in this regard as well. I'm still game to setting everything up with a team dedicated to it, but there needs to be some serious soul-searching in a lot of community members first before I would think of doing it again.
12.12.2019 - 04:47
Mauzer: 'Play smarter, use tactics' Also Mauzer 45 days before season end: ![]() Playing smarter, using tactics and doing more wise CWs is absolutely different term than being 24/7 iritating spectactor of other's cws, scared to play anyone for 45 days, literally for a whole second half of season, just to gain that shitty undeserved trophy. It's more like being a fearful, uncompetitive chicken. You know you would lose 1st place trophy if you have played and you're being the lucky one beacause this game still didn't do anything about Elo camping, so instead of spitting your non-sense bitching shit here in forums, just shut up. Your trophy is a disgrace, not something to be proud of.
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12.12.2019 - 05:41
Earn more elo, stop cry.
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12.12.2019 - 06:36
Yeah I get your attitude "life is tough be tougher". The thing is players spend their time on games because they are suppose to provide opportunity to have fun and challenge yourself on appropiate conditions. No one is here to take a bitter pillow. If you are adament to your attitude maybe you would rather study banking than run a clan.
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12.12.2019 - 06:47
I should also mention: The main reason I would never stream clan wars is mostly due to the fact that most clans either share their name with some sort of copyrighted property, or their logos/banners are stolen and/or MS Paint-tier. Can't exactly market that.
Bro you're gonna have a ride awakening when PB goes master status in a few seasons, when my clan finishes training whenever the hell that happens, and when you decide to start CWing KpCl. That wackadoodle pick Italy and make Eagle carry me shit won't fly anymore.
12.12.2019 - 06:48
if your coalition wins season and you have participated in atleast 1 cw with it, u get medal. Double SP, winner gets triple SP
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12.12.2019 - 08:13
To be honest and rude.... In past when there were more "pro" clans, which had many good players, this kind of cry-talk never happened ( like croat, kaska and some rest players doing now). In this time, when some clans which in past would be placed under fifth place, are in top 5 (becose illy is inactive, ec ruined, rest stopet playing...) got chance to speak and demand some changes, to make cw scane looks even more noob.... With changing rules, so clan which played most cws, grab more points. That sound like 50k game, and an idea from my dear friend Mars Attack,,, In case aw have 50+ (current number is <10) competetive and active players, money rewards, more good clans, we should change rules in that possition and play some kind of final four, in last few days of season. Till we are in chaos, this is best we can do. To push aw on higher lever many work and other things are needed. For now everyone who posted on this topic, doesnt have powers to change these things, so this is troll, boring talk.
Sp is irelevant and useless.
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12.12.2019 - 08:17
i can understand you with rank 16. but the majority of players in game are lowranks and they need sp. Maybe protocoin rewards for higher ranks?
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12.12.2019 - 08:21
You are right i admit. From my point of view sp is irelevant, but for low ranks it can be some kind of motivation.
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12.12.2019 - 09:18
Less than ten? Unless your definition of an active competitive member is ludicrous, this is completely incorrect; We're currently sitting at at least 30 right now, if not more. And if you mean active all day every day... no one bout to do that. If a player has been online within the past thirty days and played at least a handful of competitive games, I would consider them active.
12.12.2019 - 09:22
Haha, let me be rude now. Justifiably rude. Why you consider yourself a 'pro' and discrediting other currently active clans based on that shitty fallacy you live in? Can't you just finally realize that without Eagle, or maybe Don, you would lick bottom of CW rankings. You're the worst card of your clan. Only thing that 'connects' you with pros is Eagle. Nothing else. Eagle's inactivity was the reason you didn't want to compete for 45 days. And you are aware of the fact that without him you would just suck Elo from, as you say, 'noob' coalitions like PB or Kaska's one, or even Immortals, and lose that shit trophy you got. This poor defence of yourself and discrediting other clans on cw scene is just a proof of it. You're far away from being pro, you're just a scared little chicken who scratches and catches last ropes to remain competitive clan. Only thing you're pro at is spectacting and poking others who actually compete: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And who are you in game? a pro? or just a pro sucker who gets removed before reinf turn in almost every cw hoping that teammate will win somehow or someone who gets capped by 85 from a rank 7 from a 'noob' coalition?
What you smartass did about that? About activity of players and clans? Camping for 45 days? Or having 4 players in coalition, 2 of which are semi inactive? Just shut up already. Stop being a sore fucking loser who says how 'camp is good thing' ( ![]() Now either show up and start playing cws, try to prove me that I am wrong, or just go crawl back and hide where you were hiding 45 days of last season. Chicken.
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12.12.2019 - 10:50
You're boring with your personal fight against me. We all knew why you are mad at me... I declined to invite you to MK, without paying for it. Simple.
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12.12.2019 - 11:07
![]() still waiting...
12.12.2019 - 23:55
I am mad at u cuz u forced me to join mk when I was a lowrank!
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13.12.2019 - 18:53
Why play CW's if the self called "competitive" scene of AtWar scares off if you tell them to do the duel, CW, etc in any other map who isn't the same regular world map? If you're OP in EU, then you shouldn't be scared of playing in another map/scenario, anyways EU is pretty unballanced concentrating money in west and reinforcements in east.
Si si istý?