i want this person banned if the senate is really fair ban one of your leaders and demote him!/center]
[center] ![](https://gyazo.com/1e33f41d6cbbe2c94ee726e3fa6bfa33.png )
"Believe in the power of monopolization"
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"Believe in the monopolization of power
i want this person banned if the senate is really fair ban one of your leaders and demote him!/center]
[center] ![](https://gyazo.com/1e33f41d6cbbe2c94ee726e3fa6bfa33.png )
I already told you, several times, I have posted in the senate forums. Stop being a cry baby.
"Believe in the power of monopolization"
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"Believe in the monopolization of power
There is no difference. >.> One means think about how much power we could get from controlling all maps. The other means think about how we could control all power. Either way it's quite the same thing.
Napísal Tik-Tok, 29.07.2014 at 07:16
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
M. Gandhi
Quoting a Racialist, Patriarchal, Ethnic Nationalist to back your international socialist, progressive views.
Please, stop it. I cant breathe from laughter.
Ahistorical ignorance of yours. Sorry to say.
Just because Gandhi kicked some British asses (to obtain India's formal independence) you don't have to discredit him this way.
He was killed for not being a religious fundamentalist. With respect to his stance on Patriarchy, probably you are right, but don't know it for sure.
Carefull now thats a thin rope you walking in there, you cant ban people for personal reasons nor can you have personal banlists applied to your maps.You should also be gratefull and humble you been given this "power" and not abuse it to the slightest.
"Believe in the power of monopolization"
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"Believe in the monopolization of power
There is no difference. >.> One means think about how much power we could get from controlling all maps. The other means think about how we could control all power. Either way it's quite the same thing.
Either way is nonsense. What you are talking about is domination and not power. Power is like a magnetic field that is the very basis of each humans existence. What you are talking about is domination, the exercise of power through structures of discourses that are performative.... bla!
Just because Gandhi kicked some British asses (to obtain India's formal independence) you don't have to discredit him this way.
He was killed for not being a religious fundamentalist. With respect to his stance on Patriarchy, probably you are right, but don't know it for sure.
He hated the comparison of Blacks and South Asians in South Africa. He found the idea of being their equal an insult. In India, he supported the caste system, he was an avid nationalist aswell as an ethnic nationalist who used economic warfare against an enemy too powerful to fight. Regardless, he had little impact on Independence as most of that was caused by military and radical elements within India aswell as the growing resentment and hatred between Muslims and Hindus which the British had no hope of controlling during and after WWII.
Ghandi was not the figure of Peace and Equality progressives make him out to be. He was an ardent Nationalist, racialist and patriarch.
Carefull now thats a thin rope you walking in there, you cant ban people for personal reasons nor can you have personal banlists applied to your maps.You should also be gratefull and humble you been given this "power" and not abuse it to the slightest.
Agreed, Adog, stop talking please.
"Believe in the power of monopolization"
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"Believe in the monopolization of power
There is no difference. >.> One means think about how much power we could get from controlling all maps. The other means think about how we could control all power. Either way it's quite the same thing.
The former one says you want to monopolize banlists to help people
While in reality you just want to monopolize all power and give it to yourself.
May I get Consul Adog's permission to post a rap that was previously removed by Mr. Meester in this thread?
I don't think you fully understand how forums work.
Napísal Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30
I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did. ![](/images/smilies/sad.gif)
Hooray everyone is at each others throats!
Atwar is doomed because of you all! You were our best but you failed us! Great job
but........ If you are going to do this just make sure not to ban people for personal reason and make sure that the people leading this group are not trolls themselves so the "Senate" will not be corrupted.
Edit: Nvm looks like the Senate Failed.....Well it was a good idea but could never really work.
I'm sorry.. Did I just hear a Senate member saying "Stop being a crybaby" weren't they the ones crying for a banlist... As "Tribune Cicero" would say, Hypocrite!
It's not the end.
Senat took my advice of goin underground illuminati style D:
Black Shark Účet zmazaný |
Napísal Goblin, 30.07.2014 at 05:24
Senat took my advice of goin underground illuminati style D:
Prepare for secret symbols in Senate maps!
Napísal Guest, 30.07.2014 at 06:03
Napísal Goblin, 30.07.2014 at 05:24
Senat took my advice of goin underground illuminati style D:
Prepare for secret symbols in Senate maps!
Omg like the symbols in CD's maps D:
Black Shark Účet zmazaný |
Napísal Guest, 30.07.2014 at 06:03
Napísal Goblin, 30.07.2014 at 05:24
Senat took my advice of goin underground illuminati style D:
Prepare for secret symbols in Senate maps!
Omg like the symbols in CD's maps D:
Wait, what?
Napísal Guest, 30.07.2014 at 06:05
Napísal Guest, 30.07.2014 at 06:03
Napísal Goblin, 30.07.2014 at 05:24
Senat took my advice of goin underground illuminati style D:
Prepare for secret symbols in Senate maps!
Omg like the symbols in CD's maps D:
Wait, what?
CD has symbols in his map to show it's his. OMG THERE'S GOING TO BE AN "S" symbol, SSH!
NEW AW ORDER!!! D: ...hide yo kids hide yo wifes!!!
Yeah, good luck with that. And if you fail I will be the first one to come to the forums claiming how map makers failed to do their job, how they don't do their job and how I don't trust them to have such a power because they can't do an effective job. And by that I mean any map maker who makes a mistake.
Hilarious. Mods have total control over who is banned and who isnt. How is this a failure of mapmakers? Because there is a bit of drama and roleplay? God forbid the forum gets used for once. Why is drama always a bad thing? Sure flaming isnt but actual drama? Let it happen.
I dont see anything bad that has happened other than you having to lock a few threads by clicking a few buttons. YOU still have the power. Any bad bans without evidence are down to you authorising them. Any bans NEED evidence. How is this a failure of a system when a coalition falls apart due to drama?
This is still far more effective than you doing absolutely nothing for over two years. So dont get cocky.
I am dissolving the senate. Despite Adog's crying in forums this is mainly his fault. The Senate is much like communism imo. Great in theory but it couldnt possibly work in reality. Too many of the great and respected map-makers hate each other, mainly adog, and adog has his group of friends who all joined the clan so its basically a cold war and im not waiting for it to errupt in our faces. Adog has himself been corrupt as has Tunder. Tunder started kicking people so i demoted him and threatened to kick him. Adog has left and i see no reason to continue this waste of a clan. If you want to ban a player do it yourself. This community is too immature to deal with a ban-list and im not sure how long it will be b4 admins repeal it. Tik-Tok is too hands off to run the clan and i will not run a clan full of insecure children who constant whine and complain in clan chat and in forums. Also to the haters this doesnt mean you win. Feel free to hate and you will just get banned from my games no questions asked, and if you dont care then you have no reason to complain or report to mods, hypocrits .
Also i will be banned longer on the forums for this on my main but i honestly dont care, if the mods think im so stupid to be lied to then that is fine. You didnt mute swash until i brought it to pinheiro that he was on the forums when i was banned. This had to be done and silence me all you want but you can never get rid of me.
This makes very little sense. Nothing was wrong, sure, some people are a little gung-ho but the system seemed fine. If you want to make excuses for your petty behaviour by all means. Hands off? I literally just joined and can be quite busy. So now the modship get to laugh at you, ban you and generally scorn the whole project. What exactly did you succeed in doing? Nothing. Like usual, people are unable to think ahead or set proper goals. If things dont go their own way they throw their toys out the pram despite it being completely against their interests.
I have no choice. In two days, I shall cross the rubicon and bring about reform.
Black Shark Účet zmazaný |
Napísal Tik-Tok, 30.07.2014 at 07:06 I have no choice. In two days, I shall cross the rubicon and bring about reform.
Yes please.
So, what exactly comes after the Senate?
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
Napísal Pyrrhus, 30.07.2014 at 07:38
So, what exactly comes after the Senate?
Black Shark Účet zmazaný |
Napísal Pyrrhus, 30.07.2014 at 07:38
So, what exactly comes after the Senate?
Tik-Tok's Imperial Banning Ministry.
Napísal Pyrrhus, 30.07.2014 at 07:38
So, what exactly comes after the Senate?
Imperator Tik Tok!
Ban-list is actually a 3 in 1 tool to enhance the AW experience.
Lets go through it. It says:
Tired of trolls? Here you can minimize their impact on your playing experience. Simply add annoying players to your personal banlist and tick the appropriate checkboxes.
Ignore messages = hide all forum and chat messages, block PMs.
Ban from my games = players won't be able to join the games you started.
Ban from my maps/scenarios = players won't be able to start or join games that use your maps or scenarios.
IMO, there are two functions that are open for any player to decide whom to include in the banlist; specifically "Ignore messages" and "Ban from my games". I think that any player should have the ability to choose with whom to play a game and who shall not have the possibility to impact negatively on the gaming experience. Usually players will include other players in these categories , based on their past experience of being trolled, harassed or anything else. It is like making a semi-public (not public, nor private) game with all other AW members except the ones a specific player dislikes.
On the other hand, there is the third function that has to be dealt more carefully. Again, it is my personal opinion, as opposed to the one position that dislikes completely the existence of the banlist feature and, also, contrary to the position that it is a map/scenario maker's personal decision whom to ban and who not from a map/scenario.
This third option goes beyond a mere personal gaming experience, it impacts directly on the gaming experience of a whole community. For example: if I ban a certain player from a map/scenario of mine, this player won't be able to play them, even if they are not hosted by me. It goes, in this sense, beyond my experience (since I'm not involved in the particular game) and "only" affects the banned player's experience.
When does it make sense to ban a player from a set of maps/scenarios? It makes sense, when a specific player -through his behavior- affects other players positive gaming experience. These negative impacts are mainly: leaving scenarios at an early point of a game and/or without reasons, wall-fucking, spamming game chat, constantly harassing other players, etc.
In these cases, I think the bans from maps/scenarios have to be dealt with care and transparency; leaving little space for speculation and, thus, little room for abuse and personal imposition.
What follows?
Self-regulation, protocol, observatory...?
CD does present a good argument and I support it.
I agree with your general statement CD. Well done