12.04.2016 - 09:25
As long as the fetus is within the mothers body it's the mothers choice to remove it or not. Fetuses are not any different from parasites if they are unwanted by the host creature, in this case the mother. They draw upon the energy procured by the host and cause various medical complications during the pregnancy. It being alive or not, and God, has no matter here. It's the mothers right as an individual to have it removed. Besides, with overpopulation and what not the human race is much better off in the future using these kind of techniques so that they can both alleviate desires but choose not to contribute to the growing pool of humans. I mean, lice living on your head or in your pubes is not really that much different. They're parasites that also tap into the hosts energy and cause medical complications. [sarcasm] #ProLice2k16 [/sarcasm]
12.04.2016 - 10:06
Ok here we go again. Let me repeat. Murder Definition: 1. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another If you kill an unborn baby, by definition it is murder. Simple. You plan to have an abortion, and you kill the baby. That fits the definition to me.
12.04.2016 - 10:54
This all comes down to differing opinions on what constitutes a "living being". Firm opponents of abortion will say its at the point of conception, people it the middle might say its at the point of viability (when the baby could be born prematurely but still survive) and pro-abortionist might say its only once the fetus is physically out of the womb, making it a baby. This is an age old debate and its not going to change. However I would like to bring up one point that I don't think was brought up before, therapeutic abortion. It's essentially what happens when theres a dire situation and the mother is saved over the child due to priority of life. This is a pretty hard argument to shoot down because it makes logical sense, kill the 30 year old mother or a fetus that you dont even know will survive? That's why they would just save the mother because you can always have another child, but once the woman is dead, the chance for that couple to have children is gone. Therefore if i am to give my two cents on this argument, I do think there are exceptional cases where Abortion is justified because in my mind, abortion is not absolute, like therapeutic abortion. Personally i'm against stupid people who make bad choices and just go and get an abortion for the hell of it, but cases like rape seem to be logical exceptions to the principle as well.
12.04.2016 - 11:16
No matter what the circumstance is any killing of a baby, no matter when, is murder. A fetus is still a human being. The definition of murder is as follows: 1. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another From this definition, the killing of any human being is murder. No matter what the circumstance is, it will always be murder. Even in cases where you kill the baby to save the mother, its still murder. While it is tough to comprehend its still true. And for this argument: "That's why they would just save the mother because you can always have another child, but once the woman is dead, the chance for that couple to have children is gone": This is just lame and shows how little people care about life. How about that poor little baby, he no longer has a chance to grow up and have a family of his own? There is a risk for every to-be mother to die in every pregnancy, even normal ones. Should we abort all babies so that the mother wont die? I stick to my point, that murder is murder, even in cases where this therapeutic abortion is concerned.
12.04.2016 - 11:19
Now we're down to political definitions of a human. As I view it, if the fetus is not developed enough to survive without being a parasite of the mother it is not a human being. It is therefore a parasite if unwanted, and having personal control of our own bodies we have the right to remove parasites by any means necessary. The fetus is nothing different from lice or maggots that parasite on the body from this perspective.
12.04.2016 - 11:20
A fetus is a human. Deal with it.
12.04.2016 - 11:21
Prove it. Define human "In biology/ecology, parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host." It's a parasite if unwanted because the relationship is NOT mutual.
12.04.2016 - 11:22
In the first 10 weeks it is fine. after that its already a human in process
12.04.2016 - 11:24
And then to the second question, why is the life of the fetus worth more than the life/choice of the mother?
12.04.2016 - 11:30
Why is the mother's more important than the fetus's?
12.04.2016 - 11:31
12.04.2016 - 11:31
How about 10 weeks and 1 second?...
12.04.2016 - 11:32
LOL gow come on you are smarter than this. Its a human in process at conception. What else would it be?
12.04.2016 - 11:41
I dont want to get into an argument because this is just my opinion. But if you must criticize my argument here's my rebuttal, also you've just proved my point, theres no need argue over this because everyone is firmly on their own side and no one will ever budge. Murder is murder? Is murder always wrong? No. Murder is not an absolute principle, it's a prima facie and there are situations where its justified, such as self defense. You may say, ok heat your stupid but listen to this. If someone is about to kill your family, and you have the chance to save them by killing that person, what will you do? Well unless you want to live the rest of your life without a family you will kill that person. Therefore murder is justified in self-defense as stated by your own countries laws. Also don't forget your a patriotic American so don't you pledge allegiance to the flag and all it stands for? Bearing arms and protecting yourself when it's needed? Also please read my argument carefully. Your saying i'm lame because i want to save the mother and not the child? lol you cannot play God and save everyone, but there are chances where you can play God and choose who lives. There are cases where things dont go right and you must do whats best in that situation, which means saving the mother due to priority of life, this all comes down to contribution to society and societal laws which we all live by. How do i not care about life? I'm saving the mother. You say what about giving the poor baby a life? Well that argument works both ways, what about the poor mother not getting to live? No one said life was fair, shit happens and tough decisions need to be made. You have no logical explanation to refute therapeutic abortion, no one does. All pro-life people will say save the baby, but it goes against their own logic of saving life because your saying you should kill the mother in return. Also please don't quote me back, I don't want to argue over this.
12.04.2016 - 11:46
I can understand people being pro-choice but to call a fetus a "parasite" as if it's some dirty leech is seriously fucked up. It's not even valid because the scientific definition refers to one species living off of another. A unborn person and a mother are the same species. Nice try though
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
12.04.2016 - 11:53
I'm sorry, but you criticized my argument, and I'm not one to back down so easily. You need to understand the difference between justifiable homicide and murder. Murder is (as I have stated 3 times): the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Justifiable homicide is the killing of a person in circumstances that allow the act to be regarded in law as without criminal guilt. So for your example with someone attacking my family, I would defend my family even unto killing that intruder. I am a proud American and I do pledge allegiance to the flag. To your other argument about mother/fetus, this argument is invalid because it can go either way(and you agree that it does). So stop using it. I had to quote you back and I'm sorry. But don't go criticizing me and expect me not to answer back.
12.04.2016 - 11:58
LOL dude can you even read?? Humans are all part of one species. Not two separate ones. A baby is not a different species from his/her mother.
12.04.2016 - 13:27
A fetus has achieved nothing in it's life, can't feel happiness or sadness, can't feel pain. I don't care if it's "human". I'm perfectly willing to kill it if it is going to ruin someone's life. There's also the possiblility of performing a form of VITRO to transfer the fetus to a woman that does want a child, I suppose.
---- Someone Better Than You
12.04.2016 - 13:39
neither have you... but that doesnt mean we should kill you.
12.04.2016 - 14:00
This is absurd, my moderate stance has been ignored and people are now bashing each other over semantics.
12.04.2016 - 14:06
The Fetus depends entirerly on the mother so its like part of the mother and if she doesnt want him or cant raise him right because of economical situation she has a right to get rid of it , afterall we are in a democracy and everyone has a right to choose if they will have a child or not. You cant make a fucking person keep her fucking baby if she doesnt want it , tf are you to choose if she should keep it or not. Only animals keep their baby eitherway until its born and thats what makes us humans different from savages we have a fucking choice
12.04.2016 - 14:08
Because you made yourself look stupid by posting verses that had nothing to do with abortion.
12.04.2016 - 14:11
This whole section about sperm cells is out of place. Don't hijack a topic because you cant defend your position on the original topic. We are talking about abortion, not sperm cells.
12.04.2016 - 14:13
Murder Definition: 1. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another
12.04.2016 - 14:16
To go in discussion with me, you need firstly to understand a difference between cell and organism, which seems like an impossible task for your dead brain cells.
12.04.2016 - 14:17
Its 2016, she choose to have the baby by not using any form of birth-control available on the market. If she can't keep it then she can always give the child to the state. This is why abortion is allowed in case of rape and incest, she didnt had a choice to prevent the pregnacy.
12.04.2016 - 14:17
this guy is a complete joke. I don't even have time to show everyplace where his thinking is messed up.
12.04.2016 - 14:19
Glad you asked. A fetus is not a chicken, and its not a cow. It's not a fruit, and it's not a tree. But yet it is still breathing and living and can even move a little bit on its own.
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