29.06.2014 - 04:05
How it isnt ur fault if u dc?I hack u?If u know your net is crappy then dont cw.
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29.06.2014 - 04:17
What? ![]() #REKT Thank you Clovis for admitting I am right and completely ignoring all my points and trying to launch a personal attack on me and my clan. : ) Lets see what poor desperate attempts of under the belt attacks you tried: 1. Not nice because doesn't allow to get exploited by the uk germany rule. 2. Reminding us of a former CW where we cried for a remake because someone WF me first turn. (We did not remake and you are creating facts) 3. We argue DC not our fault. It isn't. Get that through your thick head. 4. We have a "bad reputation" for not being nice. 100% made up fact. Go make a whole survey to AW about our reputation then judge based on that. 5. We use bugs. (We don't and you proved you can/do use bugs by posting that SS which is probably yours (Ive never used a bug in my life so you can go to fuck and never dare name my name in using bugs ever again or I'll start a fucking forum war that will not end well for you) ) So, as you can see I've thwarted all your poor attempts at personal attacks at me or my clan. Stop trying before you get embarrassed time and time again. All you are doing is making yourself look even more and more dumb. I think you are just trying to create a flame war because you know this thread is right and you want it locked. Which is why I'll stop feeding the (-6/5) troll. "You arent a officer or a leader, you cant talk for all SM sorry." You aren't rational or sane, you can't talk for Syndi sorry. I won't consider you representing Syndicate anymore because they are actually a sane clan with good people. Unlike you. Spart (your mighty clan leader who is x100 better than you) already agreed to Goblin which contradicts yourself and supports this thread. Get your facts straight or again, you can go to fuck. Will not reply to this thing(clovis), enough flaming.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
29.06.2014 - 04:19
@Jugers You got me wrong. You DC'ing isn't my fault. Me DC'ing isn't yours. And thank you for trying to clear up the pick thing with your clan, you're one of the good guys there.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
29.06.2014 - 06:19
@Stryko I wasnt joking about RP cw. you say " he is not a officer or a leader" and I dont want SM to clear up their hands because Tac "wasnt a officer or a leader". Stop contradicting your own words. Nice now that you are a officer. Yes, YOU HAD USE BUGS. I cleary remember you, Fock and stryko using the bug already posted. I wont argue agaisnt it because it would go off-topic. I am not trowing personal suff at your clan, Stalins Martials. I already say: YOU DONT NEED TO BE NICE.
29.06.2014 - 06:22
The Tactician is actually official Stalins Martians spokesman ...we are just waiting for the position to be implemented huehuehue xD
29.06.2014 - 07:05
This has gone widely off topic. I don't want this to get locked. All Clovis' points are irrelevant. GG. Sane people continue posting.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
29.06.2014 - 07:05
Well FINally.
29.06.2014 - 07:14
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29.06.2014 - 07:21
Bla this gone off topic..sorry for being off topic but i had to clear my position...I support tac view about picks.
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29.06.2014 - 07:31
Tac couldnt defend against it. he got just traped faking out a posicion. GG
29.06.2014 - 07:34
Ahahahahaha no thats what you starting personal attacks. I couldn't even comprehend what you wrote. Stop trolling this thread please. So to get this straight, most clans abide by this and we finally won't face anymore issues?
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
29.06.2014 - 07:37
I agree with what Tact is saying. You can't just leave because you don't get the picks you want! There should be some sort of punishment imposed for this sort of behaviour.
---- The funny thing about this is by the time you realize that this is completely pointless, it's too late to stop reading. ![]()
29.06.2014 - 07:39
No Offense intended but the way I see it the fault is with SM. So what if other clans want to the pick the way they want. In 3 v 3 in lobby do you pick turkey if your ally picks ukr and the opponent forgets to pick turkey. You have to be adjustable by that much. If not it is you who will be left out as other clans won't want to cw you much. Yes tophats is right about ukr turkey combo being beatable and clans should play them more , but in reality very few clans would try them. Almost 90% of the time they will get beaten so no sane clans usually would support ukr turkey combo. With uk germany combo the opinion is divided. Some clans support it other won't. You just have to go along with it. I will repeat. YOU JUST HAVE TO GO ALONG WITH IT Most clans only have 2 simple criteria no ukr turkey combo and for a small minority no uk - germany combo that is all there is to it. This a game for all of us to enjoy. Just don't be a dick and ruin it for all. If some clans just want specific picks with some restrictions let them just go ahead. Anyway this whole topic is useless and irrelevant as what is right all up to the respective clans.
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29.06.2014 - 07:51
In 3v3 it's not competitive, I don't mind giving up my turn to make it fair for both teams. However, in a CW, it IS competitive, I want to win. You exploit any possible weakness you see, that's how you win. If a player can't play all the countries, then that's not your opponents fault. The dicks are the people who leave the game once they don't get the picks they want. And yes what Tophat's said is true, both Ukraine-Turkey combo and Germany-Uk combo is beatable.
---- The funny thing about this is by the time you realize that this is completely pointless, it's too late to stop reading. ![]()
29.06.2014 - 07:53
Geez I remember the good old times when people would just pick countries and counter countries. Then play the f***ing game.
---- The funny thing about this is by the time you realize that this is completely pointless, it's too late to stop reading. ![]()
29.06.2014 - 08:05
Everything is beatable ...but that doesnt mean this combos dont have an advantage. But as i said ...if a clan gets this combos its oposing clans fault and the oposing clan has no right to complain when they didnt pick what they were suppose to. So the only problem is players not wanting to pick something they are not good at ...as i said in another topic. Randomness of pickings is a part of clan wars ...better clan will deal with it, weaker clan will not. Problem? i dont see one.
29.06.2014 - 08:10
It not up to you. It up to the clans. Just because you think so doesn't make it right. And about any possible exploits you see why not just use the bugs MK got banned for you : would win a lot. I prefer to play for fun at the same time respecting opponents preferences. There is no point talking more about this as everyone else would have a different opinion about it and we would just argue comparing apples and oranges.
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29.06.2014 - 08:20
Bug exploits are punished, nobody wants to win like that. Respect and playing for fun is the aim, but to do that you actually have to play. The random number generator of atWar chooses the order in which each team gets to pick. This order is completely and utterly fair. There is no apples and oranges. Not taking what the game gives you? Your problem.
29.06.2014 - 08:30
No Ukraine Turkey combo - I'll pick Ukraine, you go UK, I go Turk. Thats is what is meant in that no Ukraine Turk. You guys are misinterpreting. When your first two picks are west that gives you the ability to pick best two west countries and/or save east for your best player who may be last pick. Now that, is exploiting the rule. Don't be dicks and ruin it for all? If you haven't noticed almost everyone agreed to my point of view and agree this is how it should be done. Now you don't be dicks and ruin it for us. : ) >topic useless and irrelevant Please, this is a very important topic to address because the BS in cw's has to stop. Its irrelevant to you because you disagree. Which is closed minded.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
29.06.2014 - 08:41
No tactician. It should be: pick whatever you want, literally. You can pick spain first, and let second or third ally pick turkey or ukraine.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
29.06.2014 - 08:52
Yes, but if they go first two picks west the other team has the right to Ukr Turk. No? This is what I believe because first two west picks gives an advantage in west thats being exploited by no ukr turk. In other words, you can pick what you want and if you're stupid enough to get stuck against an OP combo thats ur fault. EDIT: Unless you mean the process of east first then uk/germ 2nd then rest third. Im for picking anything. I was just giving a specific situation about the Turk-Ukr rule.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
29.06.2014 - 08:53
In another words: -SM wants people to use their brains while picking. -Clovis and MinusSeven want the other clan to hold their hand while picking.
29.06.2014 - 09:13
There are no rules here. Its all upto the clans and how they see things. You agree to ukr turkey combo if in case opponents don't pick turkey/ukraine in their picking turn. Most clans don't and won't. So you go and complain this is wrong. That is wrong. Its all upto the clans And I am not buying that everyone agrees to your point of view.There is just a few people in this thread for you make a generalization like that. That just again your opinion. You should create a poll of all people who cw and you will get a better picture. And most importantly you say this BS about clans wars should stop. This is just a preference clans have. There is no right/wrong good/bad official rule here. As said before its all upto the clans. YOU JUST HAVE TO GET USED TO CERTAIN CLANS PLAYING THE WAY THEY WANT. If you don't just don't cw them and that is fine.
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29.06.2014 - 09:14
First pick doesnt matter ...and can be whatever a person choses. It doesnt interfere with pickings ...so seriously there is absolutly no problems if clans pick the best countries after the first pick or after the second clan picks the best country. Only problem is "we dont trust player 1" to play east, "we dont want player bla to play this or that" etc. And yes clans should pick combos if the oposing clan does this ...its your own fault.
29.06.2014 - 09:25
I know its up to the clans. I made this thread in the purpose of making people aware of the consequences of this rule and how to prevent the crying. My highest goal in this thread is to achieve a universal picking procedure in which clans pick any country they want whilst keeping in mind how to prevent OP combos. It seems only you and Clovis are missing the point and don't want this to happen. I got used to certain clans playing how they want, I've adjusted to rank differences, I've made amends with wg'ing in cw even tho i rage about it (still think its dirty but thats irrelevant atm). On the other hand, you don't want to adjust to see less drama in cw's and hide behind the no uk germany no turk ukr rule. Im not trying to change how clans play, rather I'm trying to educate people on the dynamic of these rules because they have been blinded. Everyone supports but you and Clovis which is fine. I'm happy with people from every clan including your clan leader agreeing to this (to avoid any controversy he agreed to goblin which is basically the point I'm making) and should see a smoother picking process. Im seeking a unified picking conduct and seeking less drama in CW's. You're seeking stability and you're opposed to change of any kind. Its fine I understand.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
29.06.2014 - 09:27
Pick whatever you have/want to pick, but don't expect the opponent to "respect" the (in)famous "no UKR+TUR" or "no UK+GER". If you miss a good pick, don't complain afterwards. If you pick UK or GER first, make sure that a fellow players picks UKR or TUR second and not SPA and then complain that the other team has got UKR + TUR. ![]() Credit to Desu and Barrymore.
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29.06.2014 - 09:28
Not quite so. Have a look at the faq or rules section and show me where it says no wallfucking 1st turn. Game makers never created this rule but almost everyone in the game abide by it. Not all rules are clearly written down some have just evolved. They are not official rules of the game but rules of the community that everyone follows to some extent(Note no wfing first turn fails in a lot of games). Like no taking ukr turkey in same team in a 3 v 3. And I agree the order of picking are fair as they are random. This however hardly makes any difference. If you really want to play with all clans just try to adjust a bit(but not to an unreasonable extent). Every clans have their own preferences and ways they want to play. This isn't hard and I guess you clearly won't agree with me on on this. So that is just an opinion and point is there is not point arguing about different opinions.
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29.06.2014 - 09:35
These are two different subjects. First turn wf is looked down upon because it is unavoidable. You cannot stop it unless you're too far away for the other person to do it. This is why the community is aligned against it. You can stop the other person from getting a "combo" by picking one of the countries. First turn wf is not in any way the same as letting the other person save their east spot in a CW for another player.
29.06.2014 - 09:36
The wonders of being a MOD. Pick any rule you want and make it official as if everyone agrees to it. As I have said so many times IT IS NOT UPTO YOU BUT UPTO THE CLANS WHO ARE PLAYING As tophats said you can literally choose what you want there is nothing wrong with it. I completely agree to this but many clans won't and there is nothing wrong with it. It is all upto the clans in question and it makes no sense to put any rules here. That is all I am saying here.
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29.06.2014 - 09:39
Sigh... We've established that you can pick what you want. We've also established that if you pass on a country the other team has the right to pick it. OP combo or not, you let it slip. That is the point.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
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