31.03.2020 - 09:28
You literally even started playing PD ukr . Moving your gen stack to a city and praying to get attacked to win a game must be the glorious gameplay way of those lb,ds haters. Do you even feel happy after u won a duel with PD ?? Last time i played PD was when i was rank 7 and trying to learn the competitive in normal 3v3 games All of you have PD as your 1st or 2nd favourite strategy and you literally abuse it for years and never accept its overpowered.Moving your gen stack like a noob for years makes you think you are a good player and u can criticize lb,ds When are you going to accept the fact that infantry and pd are too fucking overpowered compared to attack units and destroying the gameplay??? ![]() I lost 9 helis to kill his 10 PD infantry 9 helis = 1.170 cost 10 pd infantry = 500 cost And u were crying about ds being op...How is that balanced?????? And with RA tanks its even worse rolls. ![]() What is the point of adding +1 def for pd inf against tanks when defending? -------------------------------- "Relentless Attack" "Powerful Main Attack Units" > Not even a single +1 ATTACK for ANY unit ![]() Only +2 crit for tanks XAXAXAXAXAXAXA +2 ![]()
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31.03.2020 - 09:41
Tengri, RA tanks are the most cost efficient tanks out of all the tank-strats, no other tank compares to it. 90 cost, with +2 crit and +1 range, 8 attack. Balanced.
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
31.03.2020 - 09:42
4nic Favorite strategies: Perfect Defence,
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31.03.2020 - 09:42
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31.03.2020 - 09:46
Idk of this, indeed pd is strong, but idk. but yes i support buffing RA
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31.03.2020 - 09:46
People like eagle and 4nic just want to make u keep playing boring PD west games and be dependent on 1 strat only. There are many more strats that can be played and you will have more fun playing with them. But they can hardly be played since pd is too op and showed as the only option for west Save atwar from "pd plz" players
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31.03.2020 - 09:51
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31.03.2020 - 09:55
Incentivising defence is what i like about this game, it makes rushing a lot more risky and adds another level to the game and yes Tengri before you quote me my most use strat is PD
31.03.2020 - 10:06
RebelLord Favorite strategies: Perfect Defence,
Froyer Favorite strategies: Imperialist, Perfect Defence
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31.03.2020 - 10:07
1. If you want to see less pd then stop playing west europe 10k. That is THE pd niche. It's like playing africa 3k and complaning that your opponents are using imp. 2. Offensive metas are low skill. It involves: - rushing your opponents expansion - flipping a coin as to who tbs the other players main offensive/defensive stack first. If this sounds like fun to you, go play mirrored europe, pick the opposite sides of the map and go ra. In defensive metas attacking is costly. This forces players to play cautiously, read their opponent, use attrition. And the game should actually develope beyond turn 3. I know which i prefer. 3. Tengri Favorite strategies: Lucky Bastard, Relentless Attack, tldr? Go play other settings.
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31.03.2020 - 10:16
"1. If you want to see less pd then stop playing west europe 10k. That is THE pd niche." This post starts with: You literally even started playing PD ukr maybe read carefuly "2. Offensive metas are low skill. " "In defensive metas attacking is costly. This forces players to play cautiously, read their opponent, " So you call deciding between whether to stack hamburg or munich for 4 mins then randomly choose one in last second and leave it to god's will A HIGH SKILL META XAXAXAXAXAXAXAX??? wow bro this is veryy skillful meta and totally not coinflip And lastly Laochra Favorite strategies: Perfect Defence,
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31.03.2020 - 10:21
I agree with your point about Europe west being a PD niche, but i disagree with this. There is a finesse to making the perfect zerg-rush or tb, it isnt an offensive meta, even PD or imp do these openings, and neither of those strats are low skill or offensive strategies.
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
31.03.2020 - 10:59
You forget, that pd inf has -1 range and you have much more movement ability. Also a better attack in comparison of pd.
---- "War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means." ― Carl von Clausewitz
31.03.2020 - 11:35
---- ![]() Best mod ever <3 ![]() Best admin ever <3 ![]() " I declare the creation of the United States of Atwar. " - Dave Washington, 6/7/2020
31.03.2020 - 11:36
They are not going to make surprise rushes bro no need for range. they just move between neighbour countries and pray it gets attacked that turn
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31.03.2020 - 12:15
I also share Tengri's opinion, he is not really wrong in what he says. It would not be honest to say otherwise. I don't really like this type of Europe + game, it is too restrictive in the way of playing. A lot of luck or bad luck, depends on the point of view. But I also understand the fact that for its countries it is often difficult to play with another strategy, apart from Spain and Italy. But Laochra is right, the players are obliged to play with caution in 3v3 2v2 or 1v1, the slightest error can be fatal. In summary, if you do not like this way of playing nor go more, it will save you from being frustrated by the game. There are so many choices of map and parameters in this game, that it is really a shame to stop for such a small thing. Invent a new way to make competitive games.
---- Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !
ゆめ の ちから
31.03.2020 - 14:45
If you think PD is so overpowered, why not play with it, you can also out-manuever PD, the strong suit of PD is power and NOT range, so ofc PD is going to be strong when the game is played on a smaller map size.
---- "You're aren't " - epic backflip
31.03.2020 - 15:41
Tengri if you're talking cost efficiency, then imp is even more cost efficient at destroying helicopters. And before you check my strat, yes I play pd.
31.03.2020 - 16:53
Please stop using 'meta' in literally every post it's starting to become cringy. Also to come back to something you told me once, I agree that overall there are more good players now. But it is dishonest to say that 'the meta has shifted', it has not. EU West 10k is mostly PD, this was always so apart from 2011 when IF was op, 2012/13 when GC/DS italy was viable, and maybe some time where LB was good which I missed due to inactivity. In East 10k it's still mostly DS, GC, and more seldomly GW, PD, SM ukr, but barely, vs IMP or sometimes Blitz, GW turkey. None of this is new. There are also no new expansions; merely minor variations of what has been known for years. I agree with the 'go play other settings' though. To make competitive games more varied, we would have to switch maps. But tbh I don't see that happening with every established competitive player being afraid of losing Elo. Maybe PD should actually be nerfed, if only for a time. Maybe there should be changes to strats after every duel season, rotating what is good. This is how games become interesting, whereas competitive atWar is super stagnant. Another idea: Two sets of settings for duels, one with the offensive strats, and one with the defensive strats being boosted. This way we would have more variation.
01.04.2020 - 03:56
I dont think anyone is affraid of losing elo on a different map, im pretty sure every 1600+ player knows the ins and outs on every map setting available, and even on a handful of scenario maps, or even custom maps like destoria or dreamworld... at least me personally yes. bar a few total "westplz" players who fail to get out of their comfort zone
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
01.04.2020 - 04:31
There are currently eight 1600+ players, that's hardly a competitive scene. And even if this is true for you, for most active duelists it isn't from what I've seen during the last three weeks, looking at what types of duels are actually played. There would have to be some clear incentives for playing other maps or noticeable changes to strategies to actually change something.
01.04.2020 - 04:34
When I want to change maps, I play scenario bro, not because I don't want to play any other maps, but because nobody know how to play these maps. + I can only learn in scenario they have some skills that us competitive players don't have.
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01.04.2020 - 04:44
Can you rephrase that please: When you want to change maps you play scenario not because you don't want to play other maps? I think your point is that scenario players have skills which competitive players don't have. Ok, but what does that tell us about the need to vary competitive maps. Do you think we should duel on scenarios? Keep in mind the original point of this thread was that there are so few viable country-strat combinations on the standard map.
01.04.2020 - 04:55
Because nobody play other competitive maps, maybe 10 players on the current competitive scene can play on other maps, some can't even play anything else than eu/eu+. But I think, rated teamgames should work on team scenario and scenario cw, to make it more competitive. gG you have more competitive maps/scenario
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01.04.2020 - 05:05
PD does not have fatal impact on the game like LB or DS Just because you do not appreciate players who play a specific start does not mean it should be banned.
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01.04.2020 - 07:53
I used to use RA at my start, then i turned PD but i feel MOS is the best Really glad to see you aswell
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