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Príspevky: 1   Navštívené: 18 users
13.05.2022 - 17:00
Shrek is just very attractive, I don't understand how you won't get erected from him. He's the sexiest man to ever live and the definition of Chad. You guys are genuine poopoo heads if you think Shrek is not hot at all. You are probably very stupid, dumb, unattractive, small pp, discord mod, redditor mod, and very unlikeable. Shrek and Rick Astley are very sexy and you must masturbate them to them at least once. They are already very nice allowing you to masturbate to them once because of how attractive they are. To sum it up, Shrek is very sexy and attractive and the definition of hot babes.
I shit in the dark so that you can't flush the toilet in the day.
-Dr. Bright

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