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Príspevky: 2   Navštívené: 24 users
30.03.2012 - 10:11
1. Hi! Me and 17 of my RL friends are playing a huge game. We have lots of bugs though. Sometimes when we are attacking cities, units or w/e the units just move to stand exactly outside of the city or unit they were supposed to attack. REALLY irritating. Happens with neutral cities, player cities, etc. We are about 6 people who've experienced this.

2. Another bug that 2 guys experienced were that they couldn't buy/recruit units even though they had the reinforcement AND money. They've had the problems for over 5 turns now and I don't know when or if it will disappear.

3. I played a quick game one day ago and the first round I had no range markers on my units when I ordered them to move; i.e. couldn't see how far they could attack or move.

However, the first bug is the f*ckiest one and occurs quite frequent (1/6 turns maybe).
30.03.2012 - 16:30
The range marker thing has happened to me a while back. It usually stops at some point in the game though.
I like stuff.... Yay?

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