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Príspevky: 4   Navštívené: 20 users
23.10.2015 - 00:13
I suggest an option for randomise the team, for example if we have 6 players the host can click on "random teams" and the computer will pick the teams for us, that way we can avoid ally fagging which is really takes out the motivation to play games

23.10.2015 - 07:07
Buy premium,open a game.pick 2 teams,set max 6 players...............
23.10.2015 - 07:13
Napísal Evic, 23.10.2015 at 07:07

Buy premium,open a game.pick 2 teams,set max 6 players...............

Random team button is bugged and doesn't organize the team accurately. It also can't be changed when the game start , which is annoying.

@RoaiStyle: Support!
23.10.2015 - 07:15
Napísal clovis1122, 23.10.2015 at 07:13

Napísal Evic, 23.10.2015 at 07:07

Buy premium,open a game.pick 2 teams,set max 6 players...............

Random team button is bugged and doesn't organize the team accurately. It also can't be changed when the game start , which is annoying.

@RoaiStyle: Support!

you do realise he mentioned allyfaging? so he is clearly not talking about team games

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