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Príspevky: 8   Navštívené: 93 users
30.03.2016 - 13:49
Steam could really help expand the playerbase. I don't exactly know the conditions of putting a game on Steam, but if possible, should be done.
Someone Better Than You
30.03.2016 - 14:02
Napísal Zephyrusu, 30.03.2016 at 13:49

Steam could really help expand the playerbase. I don't exactly know the conditions of putting a game on Steam, but if possible, should be done.

I thought it was already on steam...?

30.03.2016 - 14:43
Napísal Darth., 30.03.2016 at 14:02

Napísal Zephyrusu, 30.03.2016 at 13:49

Steam could really help expand the playerbase. I don't exactly know the conditions of putting a game on Steam, but if possible, should be done.

I thought it was already on steam...?

atWar was never on steam, that is a future plan (as stated by admins on different threads). Not sure where you got your information from.
Be Humble
30.03.2016 - 14:46
Napísal Darkmace, 30.03.2016 at 14:43

Napísal Darth., 30.03.2016 at 14:02

Napísal Zephyrusu, 30.03.2016 at 13:49

Steam could really help expand the playerbase. I don't exactly know the conditions of putting a game on Steam, but if possible, should be done.

I thought it was already on steam...?

atWar was never on steam, that is a future plan (as stated by admins on different threads). Not sure where you got your information from.

Ohh okay. Thanks for clearing that up.

30.03.2016 - 15:15
 Ivan (Admin)
Right after finishing the editor
30.03.2016 - 15:20
Napísal Ivan, 30.03.2016 at 15:15

Right after finishing the editor

please dont add missiles in game :P any noob will just spam missiles Also thanks for new strategies <3
30.03.2016 - 22:42
Napísal Nations, 30.03.2016 at 15:20

Napísal Ivan, 30.03.2016 at 15:15

Right after finishing the editor

please dont add missiles in game :P any noob will just spam missiles Also thanks for new strategies <3

Missiles are expensive. You'll go broke in no time. But I agree with you. Noobs don't know how to manage their finances well and since they play mostly 50k, don't understand how expensive even the infantries in their favored RA strat actually are.

31.03.2016 - 03:06
Napísal Ivan, 30.03.2016 at 15:15

Right after finishing the editor

Amok if fucking killing me man lol

We are not the same- I am a Martian.

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