27.05.2022 - 11:29
The hospital building unit should be added. When purchased, let's say for 100-200 coins, it should increase the rate of population growth in your country by 5% per turn, added to the rate that atwar would otherwise apply, as long as the hospital building is in the city. This thereby increases your income and reinf. Also, there should be an option to implement negative unit costs. Currently, unit cost is capped at 0. Negative costs would allow for an alternative method for scenario makers to give people money. The negative cost would instantly add money to your account, and then so long as you keep the unit, you will gain the "upkeep" associated with the unit each turn. This has many uses, but is especially useful as a matter of strategy since people cannot "infinitely" fund themselves. They are presented with a trade-off: make other units or make units that give you money. Together, along with my previous suggestion to implement the ability to purchase in-game currency with PC whilst in-game, I think it would be a good idea to implement some kind of overall "finance" update, since these three suggestions have to do with in-game money
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
28.05.2022 - 04:03
And the thing that your income and reinf can go only up to 150% Why not infinite? (or 1000% lets say..)
---- ...још сте ту...
28.05.2022 - 18:12
UPDATE: I've come to realize that there is an enormous amount of untapped potential in terms of the in-game currency on atwar, so I have another idea that should be included in the overall finance update, if there ever is one: What I propose relates to my earlier proposal, which I've attached in the following screenshot: ![]() https://atwar-game.com//forum/topic.php?topic_id=47179 Specifically, I propose more items be added to the "PC shop" that include "crates" that, when purchased, displays something like this in chat, but via system chat: ![]() Each player, including the player who purchased the "crate" with his own PC, will then have the ability to click on the brackets located in chat, and then receive 1 random special unit near his capital city, for example, when the next turn starts Again, all proposals can be made optional before the game starts, that allow hosts to disable features like this. What I like about this idea is how it makes it "fair" such that everybody gets rewarded, including the person who purchased the crate. It doesn't allow people to outright purchase tons of additional in-game units with PC. Furthermore, another "crate" type should be added that allows people to purchase double SP not just for themselves, but for everyone in their game, at a discounted PC price! This way, people can advertise their game by saying: if you join, I'll double everyone's SP when the game starts (by purchasing the crate)! So, so far these are just two "crate" ideas. I feel like this is a pretty good idea to double atwar's revenue overnight in all honesty Here are a list of other things that my mind randomly thought of: Make certain colors like Black exclusive to premium subscription that would make so much sense and it would make black an even cooler color Restore the old user interface temporarily in case it was better than the current one, because I remember hating the current one Expand the command function so that people type shit in more often Spectator interaction mini at-war game in pre-game lobby that does not require full participation but is more like mix between autistic form of curve fever and risk, sort of like Minecraft parkour and shit before you enter the real game
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
28.05.2022 - 20:08
That could be good but there should also be an option to deactivate those for duels and cw's no matter which map is.
28.05.2022 - 20:46
Negative unit costs absolutely - good idea! The suggestion to have a converter from PC to in-game currency is not my cup of tea, it would turn the game into pay2win. We could do it I mean, but there should be the option to disable it (together with rare units etc).
28.05.2022 - 21:22
I think the hospital building is a great idea, being able to increase the population and income, but I think a little more could be added to it. Every unit that stays in the city with a hospital building gains an x amount of health, even if the unit is already capped at their max. This also implies that the unit has to be made at that city if it wants to gain a hit point, so any unit in a city with a hospital in it that wasn't made in that city, won't gain a hit point. Example, if I have 10 tanks in a city, 5 made their and 5 not, and every reinforcement turn that the tanks are at, the 5 tans made at that city with a hospital gains an extra hit point, even if it has max health, and the 5 tanks not made at that city won't gain anything. Also, how much would the hospital cost, and how much is it's cost per turn.
28.05.2022 - 23:36
Hospital is a facility to preserve life and prevent death, more than to give new life. Rather than increasing the population by a percentage up to a capacity. This is practically overshadowing the -30 upkeep building considering both will be regarded as market/finance structures. For that price, why not have the Hospital acts as a negator to Collateral damage by a certain percentage (around 50%) so long as the structure exists?. This one certainly is more reasonable than a population increase in the aspect of realism. At the same point, so long as said structure exists, it can also put a cap on how much population loss a city can experience, say f.e a maximum of 25% at its lowest.
---- Tender is the Night...
29.05.2022 - 04:53
We should also add another Building: Catholic Church (adds +10 critcal chance) We can also add a 2nd Buildung: Protestant Church (substracts -10 critical chance) Also Mosque and Synagogue, which substract -20 critical chance. And why not put Hindu / Buddhist Tempel -100 critical chance.
29.05.2022 - 12:57
This would help the owner gain some money and invest some of it on upgrades of the game, has should be done long ago, i am not a rich guy but there are for sure such here who dont care spending 10 20 50 100 dollar to be faster and better. So fully support it, at the end of the day Dave has to make some profit too.
29.05.2022 - 18:02
TLDR But, from the screenshot this has always been a great idea. A way to balance this would be being able to buy reinforcements with protocoins instead of buying money. Don't allow this feature in duels and cws.
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