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Príspevky: 7   Navštívené: 84 users
01.02.2018 - 03:13
Why bother playing casual games with players that use the "turn 0 reinforcements" at its full?
Lack of (casual) game ethics?

01.02.2018 - 06:55
 brianwl (Admin)
First turn reinforcement respect is self-evident - wouldn't even call it 'ethics' - but as Trystane said, a lot of new players simply can't resist the temptation to build first turn. Usually educating them works... especially when they realize no one will play their games once they are labelled. ♥

02.02.2018 - 23:16
I can guarantee heat didnt know about this rule. He is v respectful person
The enemy is in front of us, the enemy is behind us, the enemy is to the right and left of us. They cant get away this time! - General Douglas Mcarthur

12.03.2018 - 19:56
I have had this happen several times. Most players don't realize that they shouldn't t0 reinforce. Message them or put them on the enemy list.
14.03.2018 - 05:46
They played and helped host the casual tournament respectively, they know the ethics.
14.03.2018 - 22:47
I don't play casual so I'm not familiar with this, can someone explain the concept to me?
15.03.2018 - 07:50
 brianwl (Admin)
Napísal Director Aries, 14.03.2018 at 22:47

I don't play casual so I'm not familiar with this, can someone explain the concept to me?

If you are there to select countries, you will have the option first turn to build reinforcements... the nature of casual games is that most people join the game in the hours before the first turn ends - This is "Turn 1" so they can't build reinforcements on their first turn. (Similar to quick joining a regular game, you can't build reinforcements until the next turn starts).

As game host, you will always be able to build reinforcements, but it is correct behaviour not to as this gives a huge first turn advantage. For everyone to be on equal footing, the host (and any player who joins during the 'country selection phase' ) is not to build units.


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