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Napísané NateBaller, 27.07.2012 - 01:18
I know there are still may hours until the opening ceremonies, but I cannot contain my excitement.

Let the international smack talking begin! Only in the olympics will Americans turn into watch the exciting sport of synchronized swimming!

Where else can the USA express our clear athletic superiority?

Also the University of Florida has 37 athletes competing, representing 14 different countries!

You can barely imagine how seriously I take them.
31.07.2012 - 12:08
Napísal avatar, 31.07.2012 at 08:22

You act like smart Gardevoir

Dont forgot that english is my 2 language i have problems with english ok i try to improve my english
Iam sure that you also will have problems to write here if macedonian language was official here
If you dont have better things to do go hunt caribou, moose, deer, elk, muskox, bear, birds but pls leave me alone ok

in macedonian language is Narodna Republika Kina i dont know english word for Narodna ok
for Canada is Kanada,Taiwan-Tajvan

People's Republic of China will be 1 place in this olympic games they are awsame (i corect are you happy now Gardevoir from Canada)

I wasn't criticizing your english, I was more so just sharing a fun fact because I'm just that hopeless.

Much love

~Fred Strong
This doesn't really say anything, it's just a space filler while I try to come up with a better signature.
01.08.2012 - 08:16
Dat glorious German mens rowing! What a race.
01.08.2012 - 09:19
Meanwhile in America they get ready for the tournament.

I like stuff.... Yay?
01.08.2012 - 15:34
Napísal learster, 01.08.2012 at 08:16

Dat glorious German mens rowing! What a race.

The one thing that Canada is supposed to be good at and Germany beats us haha
This doesn't really say anything, it's just a space filler while I try to come up with a better signature.
04.08.2012 - 21:06
The opening ceremony was improper to say the least, it showed NHS as if british history has nothing more than that to show and youths dancing through the later ages to the tunes of easily palatable pop, let alone the couple did not represent the vast majority of Britons, that level of multikulti and pukelike political correctness was needless. It was great up to the industrial revolution and a quote by Shakespeare, then they got James Bond, Harry Potter, Facebook and other ephemeral pop which are not suited to the biggest sports event (associated with lots of history) when the opening ceremony is all about promoting olympic spirit and the hosting country's culture. The latter half of the ceremony are but a minor characteristic of the UK and I don't know if it even appealed that much to the people it supposedly depicted. I guess those that came with the ideas were too scared to show anything that formed UK, from 1066 to 1945 or even late roman times and arthurian legends, other than the industrial revolution which had no immediate impact on wars with nations, something banned by olympic spirit. Further on I believe if they had to show something of their long musical tradition over various new genres (I'm almost certain I heard no Elgar) Imagine by John Lennon would fit perfectly, maybe performed by others instead of a video, it'd certainly be better than an aged McCartney with a worn out voice or the out of place Arctic Monkeys.
04.08.2012 - 21:43
03:37 NCM aristo y u no multikulti
03:37 NCM >" it showed NHS as if british history has nothing more than that to show"
03:37 NCM >"industrial revolution was great"
03:38 NCM what do you want, jessica ennis cannibalised by chinese bodybuilders after an opium war sketch
03:38 NCM and james bloggs does not care about hastings, this is not a history circle-jerk
03:39 NCM it's what danny boyle thinks defines uk plc, and inherently subjective and moulded for a global audience
03:39 NCM although you're right on the music
03:39 NCM but british music's renaissance was the 60s-90s imho
03:40 NCM you're just a classical fig arristoseur
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
07.08.2012 - 06:58
Napísal ncmbad, 04.08.2012 at 21:43

03:40 NCM you're just a classical fig arristoseur

Pretty much. Didn't see the ceremony, but everyone minus Aristo seemed to have liked it.
09.08.2012 - 09:40
I heard bout da ceremony but didn't get to see it. >_< (DAMN U COMPUTER & DISFUCTIONAL TV NEWS CHANNEL!)
I like stuff.... Yay?
09.08.2012 - 16:57
Anyone seen the decathlon over the past two days? Those guys have my utmost respect, it's crazy how they pretty much perform everything the other athletes do alltogether in only two days.
09.08.2012 - 21:08
Napísal learster, 09.08.2012 at 16:57

Anyone seen the decathlon over the past two days? Those guys have my utmost respect, it's crazy how they pretty much perform everything the other athletes do alltogether in only two days.

GB won womens Heptatholon

So glad GB done well this year, we defo delivered at our home games, hopefully we can make 30.

Shame about Germany, you have so many silvers, pretty unlucky, i've seen quite a few where you were beaten by tiny margins. Would be nice to see you guys match bejing, you only need 6 more.
09.08.2012 - 21:21
Napísal Aristosseur, 04.08.2012 at 21:06

The opening ceremony was improper to say the least, it showed NHS as if british history has nothing more than that to show and youths dancing through the later ages to the tunes of easily palatable pop, let alone the couple did not represent the vast majority of Britons, that level of multikulti and pukelike political correctness was needless. It was great up to the industrial revolution and a quote by Shakespeare, then they got James Bond, Harry Potter, Facebook and other ephemeral pop which are not suited to the biggest sports event (associated with lots of history) when the opening ceremony is all about promoting olympic spirit and the hosting country's culture. The latter half of the ceremony are but a minor characteristic of the UK and I don't know if it even appealed that much to the people it supposedly depicted. I guess those that came with the ideas were too scared to show anything that formed UK, from 1066 to 1945 or even late roman times and arthurian legends, other than the industrial revolution which had no immediate impact on wars with nations, something banned by olympic spirit. Further on I believe if they had to show something of their long musical tradition over various new genres (I'm almost certain I heard no Elgar) Imagine by John Lennon would fit perfectly, maybe performed by others instead of a video, it'd certainly be better than an aged McCartney with a worn out voice or the out of place Arctic Monkeys.

yeah i liked it upto the industrial revolution part, it was shit after that, oh and the farm shit was so stereotypical and crap.

people they could of included:
Issac newton: discovery of forces, motion equations, and light as a particle and light equations, totally ruled science up until Einstein re-wrote it all lol, and created calculus,
Stephen Hawking, todays most well known alive scientist (theoretical physicist)
Lord nelson battle of Trafalgar.
Monty python.
Winston Churchill, world war two.
Sir Cliff Richard
Black Sabbath
Colonization period, too rub it in their faces we once owned 1/3rd of the world, and the greatest empire on the earth.
Charles Darwin
Guy Fawkes
George Frideric Handel
Edward Elgar
Andrew Lloyd Webber

Also, harry potter is a shit representation of britsh literature, charles dickens and Roald Dahl was on the right path but what about
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
Agatha Christie, started the golden age of murder mystery/detective fiction.
J. R. R. Tolkien, LOTR
Terry Pratchett, Discworld
Arthur C. Clarke, odyssey books
H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds
Jane Austin, Pride and Prejudice
C.S. Lewis, Narnia
Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials
10.08.2012 - 09:44
Napísal nonames, 09.08.2012 at 21:08

Shame about Germany, you have so many silvers, pretty unlucky, i've seen quite a few where you were beaten by tiny margins. Would be nice to see you guys match bejing, you only need 6 more.

A shame indeed, but one that doesn't have anything to do with being unlucky. Our sports funding sucks big time, we should copy that lottery model of you Brits I suppose.

Edit: why would you mention wars in such an opening ceremony? It might sound glorious to you, but in case of WW II there are still many people who actually lived through it and feel nothing but misery, grief and what not when it comes to those times. Olympic games are about the countries coming together in peace, competing in sports. Wars and empires have nothing to do with it. Also, Händel was German.
10.08.2012 - 10:30
When Olympics are running supposedly there must be peace as it was in the ancient times, this is why wars and other hostile acts are not depicted ever as I implied in the earlier post. As arbitrator showed Britain has way more culture than facebook and discos.
12.08.2012 - 22:25
Man, that Freddy Mercury homage send tears into my eyes. I used to listen to his songs all day every day as a kid. Anyways, I'm sure many people are going to hate on the closing ceremony again, but I thought it was beautiful. All in all, very well done Britain!
12.08.2012 - 22:40
Oh well, its over now so lets all dance like this --->
I like stuff.... Yay?
12.08.2012 - 23:22
Canada goes for bronze
This doesn't really say anything, it's just a space filler while I try to come up with a better signature.
13.08.2012 - 04:40
The ceremony was pretty good,but there's 1thing I want to say,ONE DIRECTION?!?!?!
13.08.2012 - 08:10
Minus one direction, jessie j (and the rappers with her) and spice girls

p good.
13.08.2012 - 12:20
Napísal nonames, 13.08.2012 at 08:10

Minus one direction, jessie j (and the rappers with her) and spice girls

p good.

I agree almost completely, I would swap your jessie j with the rnb instead of emily something.
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