01.04.2014 - 19:14
Http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/13611763/hitting-on-the-selection-of-a-name-4-1-2014 http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/13602887/ready-set-fight-introducing-blizzard-outcasts-vengeance-of-the-vanquished-4-1-2014 "At Blizzard, we constantly strive for optimization. Over the last few years, through deep market analysis, ethnographic study, and highly advanced acoustic research, we have come to scientifically prove that the player community prefers games with titles that form the following acronym: HotS. We were amazed. It's quite unexpected. For some reason, people just synergize with the acronym HotS. In one study, 87% of respondents choose the HotS acronym over another random video game acronym. People seem to like how easy it is to say, how attractive they feel when saying it, and the sudden rise in body temperature associated with such an impactful acronym. Other than that, it's baffling, but it's awesome at the same time!" The second link, I'm not 100% sure it's an April Fools, but like 95% sure. It's a huge, expensive, detailed as fuck April Fools, at that.
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