28.02.2019 - 18:11
Right now atwar's battle system is very simple. You have att/def and hp and you just slam units into eachother. The problem with this is that it greatly reduces the unit variety you can have become some units become redundant. You can see this in roleplay maps where you have access to dozens of different units. Most of them get unused because most of them are just direct downgrade to other units, and some are just too cost effective or powerful not to use. What I suggest is revamping the battle system. With the system in mind every unit will have. Ground Attack/Defense Naval Attack/Defense Air Attack/Defense it works exactly like you think it does. Ground stats apply when that unit is fighting ground units and etc... This will let you add more units to the game and have them serve a purpose. I also don't think it's realistic you can have a bunch of militia attack a bomber with the same effectiveness they would attack infantry lol. This system would require some pretty big overhaul of the game's code however. Let me know what you think. A bootleg system like this is possible for mapmakers to pull off but it requires extensive work with adding defense modifier to every single unit.
28.02.2019 - 19:40
If you meant a sort-of cyclical system like Ground -> Naval -> Air -> Ground etc in terms of effectiveness, that would be neat. But otherwise, I think you have the wrong game. AtWar works because it has a simple concept behind it, yet stresses each of its gameplay tenets in many ways that add a variety of depth. Nor do I think having an excess of units is proactive or even necessary for a game such as this. At times I think it even has too many units, personally.
28.02.2019 - 20:58
You misinterpreted what I mean. Units should have different att/def values when fighting other class of units. A militia with 3 att versus ground unit should not have the same 3 att versus say air units. Im suggesting individual air defense air attack, naval def naval att, ground def ground att stats to every unit.
06.03.2019 - 19:44
It would take some time to figure out a good balance, but I have often thought the same thing. I support this as a future project. ![]() It would also help defeat unit spamming. It would require a more balanced approach to unit selection regardless of strat. That would also make some of the existing nerfs more significant, like the Destroyer nerfs of some strats, and the massive nerfs to Bombers in HW.
---- Embrace the void ![]()
06.03.2019 - 20:43
I think maybe a new gamemode or something to try this out would be cool
15.03.2019 - 13:36
I think it's a good idea! Maybe then fighters would be a necessary unit...in any case a lot more strategy! Good thoughts!
15.03.2019 - 13:47
Like how AA have 3 regular defense, but get 11 when attacked by air units?
---- Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel ![]()
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