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Príspevky: 8   Navštívené: 58 users
20.10.2020 - 23:06
Hi everybody.
I just played AtWar, I find the interface of the game very difficult to see.
That affected my gaming.
Can someone show me how to fix this error.
Thank you.
28.10.2020 - 10:04
Not sure what you're talking about. You'll need to clarify.
Toast makes me very sad.
28.10.2020 - 11:34
Might not be the most intuitive interface, but I don't find it difficult to see anything. Maybe its because it was your very first play, so you'll need time to get used to it.
28.10.2020 - 12:00
AtWar could use some UI updating, yes. But it's not hard to see things.
Toast makes me very sad.
01.11.2020 - 17:18
Napísal Estus, 28.10.2020 at 11:34

Might not be the most intuitive interface, but I don't find it difficult to see anything. Maybe its because it was your very first play, so you'll need time to get used to it.

Bumping this issue to take it mods/supporters and think it over, I myself had to get use to the interface and gameplay Ui, imo it needs a reform. I even invited my friend to play this game, he liked the idea but the whole interface and gameplay Ui looked cheap and outdated and it was hard for him to see, like the colours, units, numbers and defence lines. Very eye squinting, I have the same problem.

But to be honest I'm still getting used to it, I still have to squint and I do wear glasses

OP hasn't been on for over a week btw. I mean, at least he found the fourms, but now he gone
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
01.11.2020 - 18:06
Yeah, atWar UI is a nightmare. It could be so much better.
Toast makes me very sad.
02.11.2020 - 11:17
UI could definitely do with an update and new logo.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
14.11.2020 - 01:54
Dave, hire me I will make aw a steam game with hot logo, hot UI, and hotter scen and RP and comp official maps
hmu xd
Man is something, that shall be overcome.

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