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27.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Battle of Nursia
Gaius Antonius Minor (Tunder3) (Flanking)
(5 Legions + 9 Auxilliares +4 command)=23 strength
*Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle)(Direct Charge) TACTICAL COUNTER
(3 Evocati + 4 Legions +6 command) = 23 strength
Battle Roll: 13 (-4 from tactical counter =9)
Result: Stalemate
After driving off the Senate army at Ausculum. Emperor Leto spent his time raising money and recruiting allies. From Parthia came the notorious exiles Marcus Justiniatus Vergilius (Lenny McLenny) , Publius Ovidius (Pheonixking929), and Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid). Their loyalties were rather dubious which would be proven later but their funds were forced to the cause whereupon they raised 4 auxila

After recruiting forces throughout the end of fall, the imperial army marches on Rome as winter closed in. Only the smaller legionary army of Andertius remained in its path, a strong position blocking the pass through the Apennines, Antonius had no time to take another route so chose to attack. Both sides exhorted to their troops the necessity of victory that any retreat would be severely punished.

Antonius, rather than risking his legions sent all the auxiliaries into a flanking attack on the left in hope it would draw Andertius from his strong position. This did not go according to plan, as Andertius had no intentions of standing still, charged directly into the much larger enemy army cutting a swathe through the attacking auxiliaries. This came at a very high price however since precious legions were spent, and much noble roman blood was split. Antonius could not recover the situation and had to retreat.

Rebel Casualties
-4 Auxilliares

Senate Casualties
Legio XIV Gemina
Legio XIII Gemina Secundus
Legio Evocati III Helvetica
Legio XIX Britannica

Meanwhile at Leto's camp
While feasting, a taste tester for the Emperor fell ill after drinking the wine. Leto knew it must have been Marcus Justiniatus Vergilius (Lenny McLenny) but the guards searched everywhere and could not find him , he seemed to have fled in a hurry.

Effect: Assasination failed perpeatrator unkown, attempt to execute lenny also failed, he flees into exile

Later, when Antonius returned with news that they were unable to defeat the Senate, in a rage Leto, at the urging of Tiberius Germanus ordered him executed for his failure, or treason. Either way, the blame would fall upon him. The soldiers refused to execute him in an unsightly manner, and gave him a soldier's death, a stab through the heart.

Effect: Execution of tunder succeeds
26.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Battle of Rome
Gaius Antonius Minor (Tunder3) (Direct Charge) TACTICAL COUNTER
(5 Legions + 9 Auxilliares +4 command)=23 strength
Hortensius Quartus Cocles (Empirezz) (Flanking)
(4 Evocati + 4 Legions +3 Auxilliares +4 command) = 27 strength
Battle Roll: 9 (-4 from lesser strength+4 from tactical counter =9)
Result: Stalemate

After Leto's declaration of war against the corrupt Senate, he called upon Gaius Antonius Minor to lead his armies against the Senate's forces while he began talks with various government and military officials to pull off the sudden coup. Antonius wasted no time- he would force all those in the Senate to make their choices now by marching directly into Italy. The Legate in Gaul immediately allowed the armies to pass through unmolested.

In Rome, the Senate was in chaos at news of the revolt. A military council was quickly called and Hortensius Quartus Cocles was immediately ordered to leads the Senate's armies. When word reached that Antonius had entered Gaul, Cocles took much of the army north to halt the invasion of Gaul. Word reached him that part of Antonius' armies was by Milan, the entire Senate force scattered to crush the rebels. Arriving at Milan, the rebel forces were soundly defeated in a flanking move. But this was not the main rebel army- it was a distraction to force most of the Senate army outside of central italy.

At the capital, Antonius' forces laid siege. The sight of armed Roman soldiers leading an assault on the city caused widespread looting as Flavius Andertius tried to organize the city guard to mount a proper defense. Antonius was not one to wait and so ordered an immediate assault on the city. With high walls though, the direct assault led to countless casualties. But the city guard was not trained to deal with professional forces and after a day of clashes, the main gates of Rome were breached. Antonius smiled as he ordered his armies to sack the city.

But just as he was about to enter the capital, Cocles and the rest of the Senate army appeared. Leading a cavalry charge himself, Cocles ordered another flanking attack on the rebel lines. By this point, most of the rebels were in the center, preparing to make their way into the city so Antonius had no choice but to counter with a direct charge. Antonius broke through but seeing that his flanks were wiped out and the city gates now well secure with the senate's army, he had no choice but to order a retreat.

~author pking

Rebel Casualties
-4 Auxilliares

Senate Casualties
-3 Auxilliares
Legio Evocati VI Ferrata

==move to second Senate Combat Phase, pavle takes over and leads second attack==

Battle of Ausculum
*Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) (Envelopment)
(3 Evocati + 4 Legions +6 command) = 23 strength
Gaius Antonius Minor (Tunder3) (Flanking) TACTICAL COUNTER
(5 Legions + 5 Auxilliares +4 command)=19 strength
Battle Roll: 13 (+4 from lesser strength-4 from tactical counter =13)
Result: Stalemate

Leto and Antonius retreated to Picenum in eastern italy, a rich and easily defensible region of Italy. There they waited, summoning allies (pking and lenny) and to recruit mercenaries. This plan was almost thrown into disarray when the Senate army under Andertius tried to surround their seat of power, Ausculum. The siege failed when Antonius sallied forth with his legion and cut the senate supply line.

With the onset of winter Andertius had to retreat back to Rome...

Rebel Casualties

Senate Casualties

==move to second Rebel Combat Phase, j-e-s-u-s can now recruit troops, change commands, either attack rome or seize Cisalpine Gaul. This is the final turn however, if attack fails we move to Forum Phase==
25.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
=Victorious Commander Revolt! =

Leto Icilius (jesus) has defeated the Moesians and upon the Danube his troops have proclaimed him Imperator. All populares are summoned to join his ranks, or others who believe in his cause (as collaborators)

The following people must declare their loyalty now or remain loyal to the Senate (note if you join you lose half your equites, all your concessions, all your laws, slaves, and you have to abandon any post including leaving a province if you are governor)

News is he prepares to march on Rome straight away!

Leto Icilius (jesus)

Accepted Gaius Antonius Minor (Tunder3)
Pending *Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle)
Pending Hortensius Quartus Cocles (Empirezz)
Pending Lucius Caecilius (4nic)


Jesus wealth +15
War Spoils +20
Tunder Donation +4
Libyan glad sale +11
Total 50
25.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Moesian Campaign
Leto Icilius (jesus) (Balanced)
(5 Legions Veterans +12 Mobile Auxilliares Legions + 2 command)= 24 strength
Moesian Cheiftans (Envelopment)
(12 Armies) = 12 strength
Battle Roll: 12 (+12 from greater strength =24)
Result: Crushing Victory

Sleepless nights in the cold and wet. For months Leto attacked tribe after tribe, with little progress. He was not a natural soldier

And yet...he had charisma. He reminded the Romans what they were fighting for , a civilized world, progress, prosperity, stability. A belief that, the empire was invincible and better for all. Leto led his men from battle to battle, to the heights of glory Crushed the independence of the Dardani and moesians and finally reached the danube with none behind it willing to oppose him, a great victory….for the Empire.

Roman Casualties

Moesian Casualties

Leto Icilius (jesus) gains 6 influence and 6 popularity for defeating Moesians
Leto Icilius (jesus) gains a Legion, Legio XXIV Letoius
Romans love victory, -1 unrest
Rome gains 20 talents in war spoils and the province of MOESIA
25.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 46: Phase 3 has begun==
24.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Gaius Pisentus Augustus enters an empty senate, he was told there would be a meeting with some of his closest allies. Hooded men emerged from all the doorways, unsheated their blades, and rushed him, killing the man calling him a Tyrant.

He was simply too powerful to live.

Rolled 6+6 from assasin cards-3 open bodyguard -1 secret bodyguard =8 Attempt is a success, perpetrators unknown

Gaius Pisentus Augustus (White Army) is killed!
24.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 46: Phase 1 has begun==
23.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Naval Battle of Paraitonion
Gaius Antonius Minor (Tunder3) (Envelopment)
(23 Fleets +4 allied fleets+ 4 command) = 31 strength
Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid) (Surprise Attack)TACTICAL COUNTER
(11 Fleets + 5 Provincial Fleets + 5 command)= 21 strength
Battle Roll: 14 (+10 from greater strength - 7 tactical counter=17)
Result: Victory

Although gravely outnumbered and betrayed, the rebels make a daring attack on the senate fleet harbored at the port of Paraitonian. The plan was quite good, and caught the much larger roman fleet completely by surprise however the winds suddenly changed greatly delaying the attack, and many of the captains in the rebel fleet were not comitted to the cause any longer and held back. This stalling allowed Gaius Antonius to rally his own fleet from basically a standstill to battle speed and attack the rebel fleet driving it back. The crews of the rebel fleet cowardly ditched their ships onto shore and surrendered. It was the most pathetic display ever seen by Germanus, disgusted, he came ashore, took a horse and rode into the desert never to be heard from again.

Rebel Casualties
-11 Fleets

Senate Casualties
Few, any losses replaced by defectors

Naval invasion of Cyrene goes ahead as planned, resistance is pointless so it falls

Fall of Cyrene
Seeing the end of the rebellion, *Decimus Pompeius (Phoenix) the final triumvir, sighed as the legions landed and approached the city. He was all alone now, rather than accept mercy from a Senate he despised he fell upon his sword, extinguishing his life and the last spark of rebellion.

Publius Ovidius (Pheonixking929) is captured by roman legionnaires but rather than bringing him back to rome for trial, Gaius Antonius Minor (Tunder3) lets him run away to the only empire that stands against Rome, Parthia.

Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid) also escapes, presumably to Parthia as well.

Invasion of Cilicia
Legio XIII Gemina Secundus under Paullius was sent to seize Cilicia.

Battle of Cantium
Gaius Pisentus Augustus (White Army) (Envelopment)
(4 veterans+ 1 legions + 3 command)= 16 strength
Cassivellaunus (Balanced)
(4 Armies) = 4 strength
Battle Roll: 15 (+12 from greater strength =27)
Result: Crushing Victory

The leader of the britons, Cassivellaunus realised he could not defeat Augustus in a pitched battle. Disbanding the majority of his force and relying on the mobility of his 4,000 chariots and superior knowledge of the terrain, he used guerrilla tactics to slow the Roman advance. By the time Augustus reached the Thames, the one fordable place available to him had been fortified with sharpened stakes, both on the shore and under the water, and the far bank was defended.
Several attacks from archers and catapults drove them off, Augustus then sent forces to besiege Wheathampstead, the main fort of Cassivellaunus. This was enough to get the britons to surrender the gallic exiles and pay tribute, swearing peace with Rome. Augustus, eager to return to Rome because of political intrigues, accepted this meager offer and left the dreary island.

Roman Casualties

Briton Casualties

Gaius Pisentus Augustus (White Army) gains 2 influence and 2 popularity for victory
Gaius Pisentus Augustus (White Army) gains a veteran Legion, Legio XIX Britannica
Due to victory, Legio X Lupus has been promoted to Evocati
Rebels gain 10 Talents in War Spoils
Romans love victory, -1 unrest

Rome vs rebelsin Gaul and Syria
Consul Leto Icilius (jesus) botched the campaign against the pathetic gallic peasant uprising losing 3 legions.After this he marched to syria and swiftly crushed the syrian uprising and returned that province to roman rule. His achievements are without glory or recognitition.
22.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Rebels expelled from Egypt
With assurances from the Senate, and her lover Marcus Vispasinius, Cleopatra has in secret switched allegiance to the Senate. Now that he is safe, and her Kingdom's independence legitimized by the Senate, she has no more need of Pompeius, Germanus, or Fenix. A dangerous rabble, she orders her guards to throw them out of the palace, seizes the docks, and surrounds their legionary camp. Threatening to annihilate them, she tells them to march west to Cyrene or north to Syria. They are no longer welcome in Egypt.

Cyrene is new capital, all forces are moved there Vispasinius and Cleopatra are now aligned to the Senate
22.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 45: Phase 3 has begun==
21.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 45: Phase 1 has begun==
20.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Naval Battle of Taenarum
Gaius Pisentus Augustus (White Army)+ *Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) (Direct Charge)
(24 fleets +1 allied fleet + 7 command)=32 strength
*Decimus Pompeius (Phoenix) + Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid) (Envelopment)TACTICAL COUNTER
(15 fleets + 3 allied fleets +9 command) = 27 strength
Battle Roll: 8 (-4 from tactical counter+5 from greater strength =9)
Result: Stalemate

Off the coast of the Taenarum peninsula at the Peloponnese, the senate fleet met the rebel fleet. Andertius, feeling the winds were with them launched an all out assault which Decimus Pompeius skillfully countered by surrounding the much larger force with his.

Regardless, the attack was rather desperate and if only they had more fleets the battle may have gone in the rebel favor but they had to withdraw to Crete unable to break through the opposing navy.

Senate Casualties
-4 fleets

Reformatio Casualties
-4 fleets

Naval invasion of Rome fails

Second Duel between Flamma and Libyan
In the rematch, Flamma beats the Libyan (roll 14) vs Libyan (11), proving that they are equal combatents. Once again, the crowd spares the losers life but Leto Icilius must pay 18 talents to Regulus.
19.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Naval Battle of Tenedos
Gaius Pisentus Augustus (White Army) + *Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) (Flanking)
(27 Fleets +7 command)= 34 strength
Marcus Vipsanius (MrArmy987) + Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid) (Flanking)
(18 Fleets +3 egyptian allied+2 aux fleets+ 11 command) = 33 strength
Battle Roll: 9 (+1 from greater strength=10)

Publius Ovidius (Pheonixking929), clearly a collaborator with the rebels at this stage made a proposal to take Greece from the Senate. Seeing an opportunity, an invasion was ordered. The attack was foiled by the watchfulness of the Senate Fleet at the Hellespont who damaged the rebels just enough for them to return to port.

Rebel Casualties
-3 Fleets

Senate Casualties
-3 Fleets

Naval Invasion failed, 1 legion returns to Asia

Battle of Chalcedon
Marcus Vipsanius (MrArmy987) + Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid) (Envelopment)
(4 Evocati +7 Veterans +15 Legions + 10 auxilliares+ 11 command) = 57 strength
Gaius Pisentus Augustus (White Army) + *Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) (Flanking)TACTICAL COUNTER
(2 Evocati + 7 veterans + 18 Legions + 10 auxilliares +4 provincials +7 command)= 54 strength
Battle Roll: 4 (+3 from greater strength - 4 tactical counter=3)
Result: Decisive Rebel Defeat

The forces assembled by both sides was truly enormous, at least 100,000 legionnaires on each side, and many more in auxilliares. This would prove to be the largest, and last major battle in the civil war.

Each side had their advantages, ,the rebels had superior hardened veterans and commanders while the senate had a good defensive position, A decisive part of the battlefield was the heights to the north, where Andertius ordered a defense line to be built and put some of the best veterans and all their auxiliary armenian horse archers who sought revenge upon Scipio's legions.

Seeing these moves, the Rebels thought it best to launch two equal attacks on the flanks and envelop the enemy with their elite troops, counting on the fact it very unlikely the enemy would attack their weak center. While this was being planned however, disease struck their camp and news returned that the naval invasion of greece had failed.Continual defeats, losses of territory, and length of the war combined with problems in camp had a notable effect on morale.

On the following day the plan was put into action, but the attack was disorganized, and did not communicate. Vispanius side trudged through the rough ground uphill against relentless arrow fire and pilas suffering horrendous casualties. In the south, the senate plan became revealed. Flavius Andertius, in a moment of genuis spotted a weak point between the center and flank commanded by Tiberius Germanus, took the best legions and majority of the army, and launched an all out attack downhill in a huge flanking maneuver . It was wildly successful as it broke immediately. By luck, the fleet arrived at this very moment and come to help with hundreds of catapult volleys into the rebel masses. Germanus could not control the levy legions who all broke or pledged loyalty to the senate, the veterans were surrounded and killed for the most part.

After this the battle became more of a massacre, the entire rebel army was surrounded before they could order an ordered withdrawl. Germanus escaped, although Vispanius was later caught in the pursuit to asia.

Rebel Casualties

Legio Evocati VI Ferrata
Legio Evocati IX Mortis
Legio Evocati XVIII Sanguis
Legio Evocati XVII Ignis
Legio XVI Mirium
Legio I Parthica
Legio XII Dominatus
Legio VIII Elephantus
Legio IV Vipsanius Pia Fidelis
Legio XIX
15 Legions
10 Asian Auxilliaries

Senate Casualties
Few, any losses replaced by defectors

Both Marcus Vipsanius (MrArmy987) + Marcus Justiniatus Vergilius (Lenny McLenny) escape
Gaius Pisentus Augustus (White Army) gains a veteran from victory, and another Legio Evocati VI Ferrata due to trait

2nd Senate Combat Phase
Senate advance into Asia, take the province, and CAPUTRE Servius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu), Marcus Vipsanius (MrArmy987), and Servius Tullius (need mental help). Fleet is redeployed to Greece.

*Decimus Pompeius (Phoenix), as the last triumvir retreats to Egypt with Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid) and * Publius Ovidius (Pheonixking929) along with 15 Fleets, and 1 Legion

2nd Rebel Combat Phase
? Capitulation?
18.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Battle of Phasia
Gaius Antonius Minor (Tunder3) (Balanced)
(14 Legions + 4 command)= 18 strength
Mithridates VI (Balanced)
(6 Armies + 4 command) = 10 strength
Battle Roll: 13 (+8 from greater strength =21)
Result: Crushing Victory

With great speed, Antonius marches north to the land of Colchis where Mithridates had taken the captured romans from the reformatio attack and put them to work as slaves for the army. Only very late to Mithridates become aware of the roman army and arranged his forces in a standard battle line.

With overwhelming numbers, Antonius charged the center and shattered it. Knowing his dream had finally come to an end, and wanting to never be some sort of trophy for a roman triumph fell on his sword and died with a long sigh.

At the behest of Antonius, Mithridates' body was buried alongside his ancestors in Amaseia, for despite the evils he had committed, he was a worthy enemy, perhaps the last worthy enemy that remained.

Roman Casualties

Pontic Casualties

Gaius Antonius Minor (Tunder3) gains 3 influence and 3 popularity for victory
Gaius Antonius Minor (Tunder3) gains a veteran Legion, Legio XX Pontica
Senate gains 10 talents in war spoils
Romans love victory, -1 unrest

All forces return to Bithynia, rebel turn
18.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 44: Phase 3 has begun==
17.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 44: Phase 1 has begun==
17.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
=Turn 43: Extra Combat Phase=
*in order to speed up the resolution of the civil war an extra combat phase now happens
*no incomes or upkeeps, you may recruit forces however

Savings Bank 0
Current Treasury: 0 Talents

Combat orders;


Navally invade Bithynia, keep fleet in bithynia (edited)

Savings Bank 0
Current Treasury: 0 Talents

Combat orders;

no attack

Current Situation:

16.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2


Battle of Nikipolis
Servius Tullius (need mental help) (Balanced)
(1 Legion + 4 Provincial Legions + 6 Auxiliares +4 command)= 12 strength
Mithridates VI (Flanking)
(6 Armies + 4 command) = 10 strength
Battle Roll: 7 (+2 from greater strength =9)
Result: Stalemate

While the main army set sail to retake Rome from the corrupt Senate, the Triumvirs left Servius in charge of the defense against Mithridates. He only has 1 legion under his command so had to spend most of his time rallying local tribes to his banner. An army of galatians arrived, cappadocian cavalry, as well as many other peoples from small nations in the region. Such a force was large, but ill disciplined and fractured.

Mithradates had a smaller but unified and well trained force, superior in archery, of which the Bosporus was famous. Relentless volleys forced Tullius to abandon his defensive position and order a general advance on all fronts in a cautious and uninspired balanced formation.

The Cappadacians abandoned the charge halfway through refusing to fight the man who they still viewed as a king of the land, leaving the romans, bithynians and galatians to fight alone uphill while being outflanked. After a prolonged melee, only the romans were left their allies had abandoned them, the legion was surrounded and killed, Tullius only withdrew by the demand of his centurions and legates.

Even so , Mithrdates had lost enough men that now made it impossible lay siege to the cities in the region and returned to Colchis for reinforcement.

Roman Casualties
-6 auxilliares
-1 legion

Pontic Casualties

Pontic invasion halted
16.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Naval Battle of Naxos
Hortensius Quartus Cocles (Empirezz) + Gaius Pisentus Augustus (White Army) (Envelopment) TACTICAL COUNTER
(27 fleets +1 allied fleet + 7 command)=35 strength
*Decimus Pompeius (Phoenix) + Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid) (Direct Charge)
(27 fleets + 8 command) = 35 strength
Battle Roll: 12 (+4 from tactical counter =16)
Result: Senate Victory

The ambitious invasion of Illyria became known to commander Cocles who swiftly mobilized the fleet. Spies delivered the proposed route of the navy and he fell upon the rebel fleet anchored at Naxos, picking up water and provisions.

Cocles placed Pisentius in command of the largest portion of his navy, to the south as bait for Pompeius who charged.Once the trap was sprung, Cocles moved the other portion fleet from behind the headland of Paros to envelop the enemy. This move was succesful, and the rebels suffered numerous losses, but both Pompeius and Germanus escaped with the majority of their fleet.

Senate Casualties
Some losses, but recovered by captured ships and crewes

Reformatio Casualties
-9 fleets

Naval invasion of Illyria fails
15.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Assassination Attempts

Returning home from the games and preparing to accompany the forces in Greece as consul Antonius was approached by unsavory men while his Lictors were distracted by prostitutes. He succesfully outran them and melted away into the crowds.
roll 4 (failed but perpetrator unknown)

The very next day, Marcus Justiniatus Vergilius received a " visit" from some local thugs who tried to break into his home but he and his slaves fought them off.

roll 4 (failed but perpetrator unknown)
15.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Learning that the senate was attempting an invasion of africa, Scipio embarked with the entire fleet. Due to lack of good intel and Cocles usage of unorthodox sea lanes, he was able to evade the Rebel fleet and return to Greece safely

Interception Failed
15.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Napísal Phoenix, 15.10.2017 at 05:33

Please confirm. Then we'll make decisions

You will have 49 in taxes with africa, 39 without
97 in total with africa, 87 without

Napísal j-e-s-u-s, 15.10.2017 at 06:52

Aetius, if the game is made out of populare money we should get popularity (i mean, state wont fund games, we will make 1 by our own) in this case give popularity to me or to anyone else of populares (not tunder) if they argue

Yes that would have been smart move but white army did it this way.

Also update gladiator fights..
15.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Seems ddosing has stopped so empirezz posted this on discord for his turn

Unless rebels intercept (50% chance)..
Effects they lose Africa ( -10 income)

Rebels may now recruit and move
14.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 43: Phase 3 has begun==
14.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Edit: senate has 26 fleets because lost 1 in battle
14.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 43: Phase 1 has begun==
13.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Battle of Tigranocerta
Aurelius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu) (Balanced)
(3 veterans+ 9 legions + 6 command)= 21 strength
Tigranes (Balanced)
(8 Armies + 2 command) = 10 strength
Battle Roll: 13 (+11 from greater strength =26)
Result: Crushing Victory

Although only 8 armies, each armenian army was far larger than a legion, but of inferior quality. The core, armenian cataphracts were excellent but because Tigranes grew his empire quickly it came at steep cost, his forces were mainly forces from allies and vassals, and their commitment to the new Armenian empire were minimal at best.

Scipio struck on all fronts of Tigranes defensive position and overcame the forces before they could react. Upon seeing the determination of the romans, the allies fled. Tigranes sent Scipio offers of peace and alliance against Parthia but he refused, instead capturing him in his capital for a display at a future triumph then sacking the city brutally and plundering the region.

Roman Casualties

Armenian Casualties

Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) gains 4 influence and 4 popularity for victory
Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) gains a veteran Legion, Legio XVII Ignis
Due to victory, Legio IX Mortis has been promoted to Evocati
Rebels gain 20 Talents in War Spoils and the province of SYRIA
Romans love victory, -1 unrest

Battle of Nisibis
Aurelius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu) (Balanced)
(1 Evocati + 3 veterans+ 8 legions + 6 command)= 23 strength
Parthian Commander (Direct Charge)
(12 Armies) = 12 strength
Battle Roll: 15 (+11 from greater strength =26)
Result: Crushing Victory

Eager for more glory, Scipio moved south after his victory over the Armenians. One of the Parthian frontier armies was dispatched to drive off the romans or at least bloody them to dissuade an invasion. Unfortunately for Parthia, their commander was a foolish noble with little concept of tactics, he ordered only a light volley of arrows then a mass charge against the solid roman formation. Although this could work in the right circumstances, Scipios forces were positioned on heights above the plains of Assyria so the cavalry tired greatly on its way up. Pila killed many of the horses whose bodies negated the charge and rolled down the hill. They then dismounted but on foot the Parthians were no match to legionnaires and routed.

Terms were sent for a tribute of 35 talents but Scipio refused seeking to gain more glory and land.

Roman Casualties

Parthian Casualties

Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) gains 6 influence and 6 popularity for victory
Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) gains a veteran Legion, Legio I Parthica

Due to victory, Legio XVIII Sanguis has been promoted to Evocati
Romans love victory, -1 unrest

Battle of Ctesiphon
Aurelius Cornellius Scipio "Magnus" (Zephyrusu) (Balanced)
(2 Evocati + 3 veterans+ 7 legions + 6 command)= 25 strength
Phraates III (Direct Charge)
(20 Armies) = 20 strength
Battle Roll: 10 (+5 from greater strength =15)
Result: Victory

On the first day near Artemita, there was no general engagement, but instead a series of challenge fights between champions of both sides.One particular combat involved a Parthian knight, who challenged Scipio to a single combat; but was instead met by the legate of Legio Mortis named Aetius. Aetius killed not only this Parthians champion, but also a second challenger later in the day. The Parthians then withdrew to Ctesiphon for more reinforcements led by King Phraates III.

Being now heavily outnumbered deep in enemy territory, he did what romans do best in situations where they are outmatched, dig trenches and plant stakes. Tiring of this cowardice, Phraates ordered mass cavalry charges on roman positions but they faltered. The horse archers could not do enough damage. So the elite cataphracts were then unleashed on the weakest part of roman line, routing 3 legions. With great bravery Scipios veterans counterattacked pulling the armored men from their stalled mounts. The roman cavalry in reserve, now charged the horse archers while the veterans smashed the inferior persian infantry.

Phraates fled east with his cavalry and has abandoned the capital of Ctesiphon and nearby city of Seleucia which were sacked.

Scipio continued southward to the Persian Gulf, when, he received the submission of Araxes, the ruler of Charax. He declared Babylon a new province of the Empire and had his statue erected on the shore of the Persian Gulf, after which he sent the his fellow triumvirs a laurelled letter declaring the war to be at a close and bemoaning that he was too old to go on any further and repeat the conquests of Alexander the Great.

These words were prophetic as by the time he reached syria he came down with a virulent oriental fever. On his deathbed he bequeated his fortune and legions to his son and died a hero of Rome.

Roman Casualties
-3 Legions

Parthian Casualties

Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) gains 10 influence and 10 popularity for victory
Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) gains a veteran Legion, Legio XII Dominatus
Due to victory, Legio XVII Ignis has been promoted to Evocati
Rebels gain 35 Talents in War Spoils and the province of MESOPTAMIA
Romans love victory, -1 unrest
Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) gains the Cognomina ex virtute "Magnus"
12.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Napísal Phoenix, 12.10.2017 at 12:31

We're going to intercept pking with everything.

Mrarmy sided with phoenix here...

sorry for lazy af update but these battles aren't worthy of my writing

Battle in Narbonese Gaul
Senate forces crushed rebels

Naval Interception near Rhodes
Rebels crush the senate invasion of armenia, the army returns to port at Massilia. Pking returns to rome (rolled 5 and escaped).

senate -1 fleet

Fall of Sicily
Pisentius has landed on the shores of this rich island and re-asserted senate control.

Effects: Sicily lost and -16 talents to rebel income phase

Meanwhile in Rome

Assassination Attempt

Unable to contain their hatred for treasonous, populist disruptor of their senate, the Populares have ordered an attempt on Consul Publius Ovidius life. The assasins failed to make their way past his bodyguard however, and Leto Icilius is implicated

roll: 1 (-2 from open bodyguard +1 from assassination card)

Effects: j-e-s-u-s loses 5 influence (already 0), and the mob thinks he is very guilty -12 votes in upcoming trial next year

Army in Sicily and now 24 Fleets return to greece

current situation

12.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Pking has won against the gaul rebellion and moves against the armenians with his 1 fleet

For those curious parthians have disaster rolls of 11,12 lesser of 16,18. Some of these can be mitigated by certain events. This is all the intel u get.

If nobody in Reformatio posts, Populare turn will go by unhindered and move to rebel turn
11.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 42: Phase 3 has begun==

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