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18.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Dacian Campaign
*Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) (Balanced)
(9 legions + 10 elite auxila + 9 auxila+ 6 command)= 52 strength
Dacian King (Envelopment)
(36 Armies) = 36 strength
Battle Roll: 11 (+16 from greater strength =27)
Result: Crushing Victory

Emplying superior numbers with very little skill, Paullius overwhelms the Dacian forces along the Danube in a shcok and awe campaign. The Dacian nobles rise up against their king and deliver his head to Andertius, sue for peace and swear to cease their raids, pay 20 talents in war reperations.

Roman Casualties

Dacian Casualties

Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) gains 9 popularity and 16 influence for victory
Exiled Senate gains 20 Talents in War Spoils
Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) gains a legion, Legio IV Vipsanius Pia Fidelis
Romans love victory, -1 unrest

Elsewhere + Reepoyments
1 Auxila corps lands at Tarentum, seizing the city, leaving a token force behind and proclaims the Senate will retake Rome from the false Emperor soon. All units return to Ephesus (asia) to recover from the years fighting

Jewish Civil War
The Parthian backed Antigonus triumphs over the independant Hyrcanus and Antipater. Jerusalem is seized but the King and his advisor manage to escape to Egypt and seek refuge among the exiled Senate.

+exiled senate may seek to restore Hyrcanus to the throne, Antigonus has 26 armies, Disaster roll of 9 Lesser Disaster of 10,11,14,16 removed due to jews being accepting of a native client dynasty. Antipater is impatient however, if not done this turn he will go to Rome, or the Nabateans

Reminder, this was Imperial 2nd combat move

Napísal j-e-s-u-s, 17.11.2017 at 16:03

Split army : 1 normal aux under my command, rest split in half under white command other half tunder command
tunder take near spain white take illy i take rome
redeploy all to illy
no recuits
end turn

Exiled senate goooo
16.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 52: Phase 3 has begun==
15.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 52: Phase 1 has begun==
14.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Pavle didn't post, making me post grrrr

no pavle, the jew war is far from 100% safe. So Rome is not relieved. Zeph may or may not send his money before the roll, it is still rather stupid though as it is his only leverage to being released.

rolling captures (1-3 captured), 4-6 escape
@Aetius: 1d6 = (2) = 2 CAPTURED

yellow rose
@Aetius: 1d6 = (5) = 5

@Aetius: 1d6 = (6) = 6

@Aetius: 1d6 = (6) = 6

@Aetius: 1d6 = (1) = 1 CAPTURED
13.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Sorry editing, captures don't actually occur yet

Summary of autism
phase 1, imperials invade greece, senate retreated, senate navally invaded Rome
phase 2: imperials took cisalpine gaul, senate did nothing capture rolls done, failed to capture.
phase 3 (extra phase): imperials took rome, senate retreated....senate move?

If Senate does not retake Rome, then the capture rolls occur. Btw entire imperial army remains in rome. Every time a rebel faction takes Rome, an extra phase is added.
13.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Napísal j-e-s-u-s, 13.11.2017 at 15:13

Wow blitzed turn
anyway, no battle in greece, let it fall

Fall of Rome

Fearing the outcome of the battle, Paulius orders a retreat from their new capital (Rome) abandoning many of the senators in his wake. This manuever is a success (rolled 5) militarily at least, but morally a great blow as now many senators lives are in danger..
13.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Napísal Bisexual, 13.11.2017 at 14:47

We will build 7 mobile auxila and buy Legio XVI Mirium
Attack Rome.

Since the Senate held rome through their turn, you have now captured it.

The Emperor and Antonius managed to escape (1-3 captured, 4-6 escape) both rolled 5. to Pisentius army in cisalpine Gaul
13.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 51: Phase 3 has begun==
11.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 51: Phase 1 has begun==
10.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Standoff at Amphipolis
Gaius Aquillio Augustus Pisentus (White Army) (Flanking)
(2 Evocati +7 Legions+9 elite aux +16 Auxilliares +4 command)=58 strength
*Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) (Flanking)
(10 Legions +10 elite aux +10 provincial aux + 5 base-greece + 6 command) = 56 strength
Battle Roll: 11 (+2 from lesser strength =13)
Result: Stalemate

The Senate had been using its superior naval advantage to make inroads among the outlying provinces while greece remained their stronghold. The Emperor ordered Pisentius to move against Paullius at last.

At first he faced little resistance reaching Macedonian by mid summer. The Senate had an exceptionally strong position blocking the Via Egnatia with fortifications. Both commanders spent weeks scouting each other and sending probing flanking attacks. Unable to dislodge Paullius, Pisentius had to withdraw back to his territory before he ran out of supplies

Imperial Casualties

Senate Casualties

Imperial Redeployment

Exiled Senate 2nd combat Phase

split greek units in half
navally invade cisalpine gaul
under me
send rest of units to take further spain
redeploy to greece

-year end-
09.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Napísal Illuminatum, 09.11.2017 at 14:18

Join Game

Nice alt

Battle of Požega Valley
Imperato Leto Icilius (jesus) (Envelopment)
(2 Evocati+ 6 Legions + 14 Auxilliares + 7 elite auxila + 4 command)=50 strength
Illyrican Commander(Envelopment)
(14 Armies) = 14 strength
Battle Roll: 8 (+36 from greater strength =gg
Result: Victory

The center of resistance was the Breuci Tribe which Pisentius who inteneded to raze. Every village was slaughtered and enslaved, crops ruined, sheep slaughtered and forests burned. The terror spread to neighboring regions, roman shock and awe was becoming well known. The tribes made a desperate attack upon the legions in the Požega Valley but were easily defeated.

The entire region was turned into a burning desert, and this the Romans called Peace.

Roman Casualties

Dalmatian Casualties

Leto Icilius (jesus) gain 7 influence and 7 popularity for victory
Leto Icilius (jesus) gains a legion, Legio III Helvetica
Rome gains 15 Talents in War spoils, and Illyricum is expanded with +5 local tax and +1 to state income rolls
Romans love victory, -1 unrest

All forces remain in Illyricum and it moves to exiled senate phase, updated treasuries
08.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 50: Phase 3 has begun==
07.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 50: Phase 1 has begun==

You can't use legions for combat and then disband them after, disbandment has to be done before combat, like how we used to do with the senate. That is still the order.
05.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Battle of Hierapolis
*Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) (Envelopment)
(2 Evocati+ 8 legions + 6 elite auxila + 3 allied armenian armies+ 6 command)= 43 strength
Phraates (Envelopment)
(36 Armies + 3 allied osrhoene armies) = 39 strength
Battle Roll: 11 (+4 from greater strength =15)
Result: Victory

Although the situation seemed bad, the Armenian King Antiochos assured Paullius that the Parthians were still vulnerable.

Using secret roads through valleys he emerged from the Taurus mountains and retook Samosata, Zeugma before Parthians could react. Both sides tried to outflank each other and the parthians attempted to inflict casualties with horse archery but were driven back by heavy return fire of syrian archers. The parthian infantry was no match for the legions and the armenian-auxilliary cavalry crushed their cataphracts in a charge. They had to retreat beyond the Euphrates and give up all their conquests.

Roman Casualties
-3 elite auxiliaries

Parthian Casualties

Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) gains 9 popularity and 16 influence for victory
Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) gains a legion, Legio XIII Gemina Secundus
Romans love victory, -1 unrest

The emissary returns to the camp of Paullius

"The situation has changed, most unfortunately for us. My King is willing to pay to return to the understanding we had before the war, but if not he warns that all the tribes and armies of the east will resist you ."

Treaty of Edessa
+Parthia will acknowledge roman control of northern mesopotamia, alliance with Armenia
+Parthia pays 40 talents in war indemnity

If refused, parthia will rise an army of 45 strength, and invade armenia

Finishing Moves
Senate leader must post his turn, Paullius can join the civil war now

Long been the Emperor's sword, Germanus is his greatest general, fighting from battle to battle. The Emperor gave him a second chance at life, perhaps he felt he owed him that, but in his heart he could not bear to serve Leto any longer. Long been in contact with friends in the Senate, he has now finally abandoned his vow and honor to join the Republic against the Tyrant in Rome.

Tiberius Germanus (trsid) deserts to the exiled senate
Legio XIX Britannica follows
05.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Naval Battle of Actium
Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid) (Direct Charge)
(5 Fleets +1 allied fleet + 5 command)= 11 strength
Legate (Titus Novius Surus) (Balanced)
(5 provincial fleets + 5 auxiliary fletes) = 8 strength
Battle Roll: 6 (+3 from greater strength =9)
Result: Stalemate

The invasion of greece was ambitious, and well timed as Cocles was in Judaea, but fraught with poor execution. The slowness of the crossing put Germanus in a poor position before the fight, his fleet strewn across miles. The senate fleet attacked (entirely comprised of greek allied ships) and drove them back with some great losses on both sides

Imperial Casualties
-4 Fleets

Exiled Senate Casualties
-5 Auxiliary Fleets

Naval movement from Rome to Greece halted and turned back

Seizure of Illyricum
Illyricum falls once again, and continues to be the frontier of both sides.

Redeployment: Imperial forces all return to Rome, it is now final Exiled Senate Phase
05.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Siege of Edessa
*Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) (Envelopment)
(2 Evocati+ 8 legions + 12 elite auxila + 3 allied armenian armies+ 6 command)= 53 strength
Phraates (Suprse Attack)
(32 Armies + 3 allied osrhoene armies) = 35 strength
Battle Roll: 13
Result: Lesser Disaster

The capital of Osrhoene was Edessa, a rich trading city with strong walls, however no match for the relentless war machine. Andertius ordered a full encirclement wall and towers to be brought foward.

However, on the horizon came the beating of drums and the cries of eastern horns, the Parthian Army had arrived and it was truly massive, althrough Roman scouts had been expecting them. It became very difficult to maintain the siege of Edessa, as Parthians harassed the supply lines and made endless attacks on their camp. The encirclement was broken in many places and supplies brought to the relieved Edessans from their Parthian Allies. Numerous times Andertius sent the auxiliaries to make desperate attacks to re-secure the siege line with heavy losses.

The situation was now untenable, and the Parthians had cut off his retreat line back to Syria, he had to march to Armenia in defeat.

Roman Casualties
-6 elite auxiliaries

Parthian Casualties

Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) loses -3 popularity for losing 6 armies
The legion has lost all organization and need to recover, meanwhile Parthia invades, and overruns Syria with ease gaining 4 more armies

An emissary from Ctesiphon arrives in the camp of Paullius

"The King of Kings is merciful, he seeks only peace between him and Rome, we do not desire to cause any more bloodshed as long as our terms are met."

Treaty of Edessa
+Cede Mesoptamia, Armenia returns to neutral status, Syria is returned to Rome
+Rome pays 40 talents in war indemnity (attempt to negotiate it down to 30, 50% chance they will reject and peace is over)
fyi you will pay -20 from war anyway

It is now 2nd combat phase, Rome moves first..

04.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Post your turn populares or skipping
03.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 49: Phase 3 has begun==
02.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 49: Phase 1 has begun==
01.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

2nd Combat Phase
With the Senate army on its way to Greece, Emperor Leto made use of the time to secure as many of the western provinces as possible

Invasion of Illyricum Publius Ovidius enters unopposed, claims his great grandfather's supporters were still there, no evidence of such claims.

Invasion of Narbonese Gaul Emperor Leto Icilius encountered no resistance

Invasion of Transalpine Gaul A battle occured between Germanus and the legate, however 6 gallic auxilliares deserted him, Germanus gained a decisisve victory and popularity among the legions may raise a legion for 10 talents if emperor provides funds or you have your own

Invasion of Sicily - Led by the shadowy Julius Marcus, the 3 fleets and massilian allies overwhelm the local syracusan defense navy and land near Messana. On land however, they are not quite so succesful, the legate pulls a brilliant envelopment of Marcus hasty attaack and drives him back to the shore. Both sides suffer minimal casualties and the Emperor orders Marcus to maintain his position and not to return to Rome.

2nd Combat Phase(exiled senate)
In greece *Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) assumes complete control of the exiled senate and the army. Under his command is 5 legions loyal to Cocles, 2 to himself he just raised, and 2 evocati legions of the child Pisentius who has fled to Rome. He also has 11 auxilliary legions, elite archers from syria, and danubian cavalry. This army is extremely strong
01.11.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Napísal Zephyrusu, 01.11.2017 at 01:36

Napísal j-e-s-u-s, 31.10.2017 at 23:46

also it would be cancer if i could send all my army to each attack or attack with same commander more than once

All attacks in the turn should happen similaniously meaning provinces can act to block enemy advances. They'd add strategy to the game since you can't just attack everything. This shit is just autistic. Provinces end up worthless in strategic combat.

But they do already...look he split his army in 4 parts and invading 4 separate provinces all at once with 4 separate commanders
31.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

2nd Battle of Tigranocerta
Hortensius Quartus Cocles (Empirezz) (Balanced)
(2 Evocai +3 Legions +11 elite auxila +4 command)= 32 strength
Parthian Commander (Direct Charge)
(12 armies + 3 armenian allies) = 15 strength
Battle Roll: 6 (+17 from greater strength =23)
Result: Crushing Victory

Not expecting much resistance, Parthia had only dispatched a relatively small force to defeat the local narkharars. This was a great mistake as Rome surprisingly made a bold move, the senate forces in the east dispatched 6 legions and large numbers of elite syrian archer auxilliaries and other cavalry from the tribes of the danube. Although raided numerous times Cocles force managed to repel the parthian horsemen the entire march to Tigranocerta which put under siege.

In the harsh, dry terrain of northern Mesopotamia, the army suffered from lack of provisions, especially water, until they reached the more fertile areas near Tigranocerta. During that time, a plot to murder Cocles was uncovered and suppressed. Several Armenian nobles who had joined the Roman camp were implicated and executed. When the Roman army arrived at Tigranocerta, they launched the severed head of one of the conspirators into the city. By chance, it landed right where the city council was assembled; they immediately decided to surrender the city, which was consequently spared. Shortly after, an attempt by the Parthian army under king Phraates IV to enter Armenia was blocked by the commander of the auxiliaries.

The Romans were now in control of Armenia, and they promptly installed its new king, Antiochus I, of distant armenian royal line that predated the current royal family in Tigranocerta. Some outlying western parts of Armenia were also ceded to the Roman vassals

Roman Casualties

Parthian Casualties

Hortensius Quartus Cocles (Empirezz) gains 6 influence and 6 popularity for victory/color]
[color=red]Hortensius Quartus Cocles (Empirezz) gains a free Legion, Legio Legio XXVI Empyryta

Romans love victory, -1 unrest
Exiled Senate gains 10 talents in tribute, Rome gains an ally in armenia who provides 3 allied troops to any battle in parthia, or province neighboring parthia, 1 less disastor roll

Although he could use victorious commander to particpate in civil , he can't resign command and do this at same time, which would not allow pavle to recruit legions so he returns to Greece and end turns

Gabinian law states only commanders can actually my bad...
31.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Napísal Zephyrusu, 31.10.2017 at 07:48

Napísal j-e-s-u-s, 31.10.2017 at 06:51

to buy vets for yourself you must be a commander of a war ( i will be gald to give you commands if you join me:) )

How the fuck did you invent that rule?

Only the state can recruit legions, commanders via gabinian law, or governors. I guess mrarmy is governor of egypt so its ok
30.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 48: Phase 3 has begun==
30.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 48: Phase 1 has begun==
29.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Battle of Narnia
Julius Marcus (Hertzel) (Envelopment) TACTICAL COUNTER
(5 Legions + 13 Auxilliares +4 command)=27 strength
Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle)(Direct Charge)
(2 Evocati + 1 Legions +8 Auxilliares +6 command) = 22 strength
Battle Roll: 7 (+5 from greater strength+4 from tactical counter =16)
Result: Imperial Victory

In desperation, Cocles resigns in favor of Flavius Andertius Myst (Pavle) who leads the defense of Narnia, a strategic position between the rebels and Rome. Leading the opposing force was a new man promoted by the Emperor to high status for his merits. Julius Marcus served as a soldier before in the civil wars on the populare side, and as a valued advisor in the Moesian Campaigns.

Hoping to pull the same tactic as he had against Antonius, Pavle charged the rebel line before they could manuever. At first, it seemed successful, but it was a trap as Marcus has kept his legions in reserve to wheel around the sides and crush the senat earmy from 3 , leaving an opening in the rear which he let the romans flee out of. These disordered troops were easily run down by moesian auxiliary cavalry and slaughtered.

The defeat was great, Senate had now lost control over Italy but Andertius managed to escape north with his army to somewhere else…

Emperor Leto congratulated Marcus on his victory and marched into Rome, however most of the Senators managed to escape save for the erstwhile Tiberius Germanus , who had unluckily fled Leto on the eve of his great victory.

Rebel Casualties

Senate Casualties
Legio XXI Bithynica
-8 Auxilliares

Rome conquered

At Rome
If Rome is lost, its treated as a lost battle for everyone in the city, 1-3 caught, 4-6 escape.

Everyone escapes except Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid). Because this was a victorious commander revolt, there is no special phase, it will now move immediatly to next turn with emperor leto in charge of rome.

Exiled senate will now pick a new capital, Hortensius Quartus Cocles (Empirezz) is their leader. He picked EGYPT. Although mrarmy must agree...
29.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2

Battle of Tetricus Mons
Tiberius Germanus (Dr Trsid) (Direct Charge)
(5 Legions + 5 Auxilliares +5 command)=20 strength
Hortensius Quartus Cocles (Empirezz)(Envelopment) TACTICAL COUNTER
(2 Evocati + 1 Legions +10 Auxilliares +4 command) = 22 strength
Battle Roll: 5 (+2 from greater strength+4 from tactical counter =11)
Result: Stalemate

Hortensius Quartus Cocles , with his signifigantly increased army has moved to seize Asculum and their camp blocking the way. He baits Germanus with a feigned cavalry charge in a valley near Tetricus Mons where his men were positioned on all side to charge down on the rebel army. This attack was clumsy though, and poorly timed by the newly recruited auxilliaries, allowing Germanus to react accordingly with reinforcements and a strong shield wall. Seeing no decisive win could now be won, Cocles withdrew..

Rebel Casualties
-2 Auxilliares

Senate Casualties
-2 Auxilliares

Meanwhile at Leto's camp
Paranoia runs rampant, Publius Ovidius (Pheonixking929) is imprisoned for Leto's suspicion that he was involved in the plot to kill him.

Meanwhile, Germanus flees the imperial side and rejoins the Senate, fearing for his own life and not being a strong believer in his right to rule.

However, a new mysterious man arrives, by the name of Julius Marcus (Hertzel) . He sees an opportunity in Leto, and now, a chance for greater power as his second-in-command. In return, he offers him his vast fortune, enough to raise a great army and take Rome once and for all...
28.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 47: Phase 2 has begun==
27.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
Edited reforms to make more senseL
+legions 25 cost, 3 upkeep. pros are more cost effective long term and loyal while auxila are cheaper at first but more expensive over time and less loyal. Also Praetorians provide free open bodyguard (+2) without popularity penalty.
27.10.2017 v Republic of Rome #2
==Turn 47: Phase 1 has begun==

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